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Data Gifting
Got extra data, or perhaps you need data? This is the place to raise your hand and make friends.
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I have data to give!Hi! Fizz was kind enough to give me 5go recently and I have more than I know what to do with... T…
Need data please pleaseHi everyone. I’m a student and I would need some data so I can go trough this months. thank you ve…
I need some data!!!😋Hi there! Can someone HelP Me??? I need some data... Thank you a lot!! S9NTB
Data pleaseHi, I am in a serious need of data. Feel free to send me some if you can. Thank you so much! U6EA1
Need data!Hey!! If anyone has any data lying around, I'm running low this month and would really appreciate a…
Can someone give me some Gb i really need them! 7HJAZHeyy Im leaving soon for a competition of Artistic Swimming and i don’t have much data to keep me s…
Hey everyoneI would like to ask for data just to get by till the 3 of March Referal code: Q93UD
HELP with data pleaseHello guys, I recently ran out due to bad internet and have about 5 days left to go on my cycle. An…
Can anyone spare data?Hi! I've been on the road a lot (still are) and totally ate my data. Can anyone spare some? Here's …
Need dataBonjour tout le monde,jai besoin de données supplementaire je n'arrive pas ce mois ci ..merci code…
Internet Cable broken for 1 week and low on dataDear Fizz Members, I am unable to use my Internet for the past week because of the construction pr…
Quel qu’un aurais des données à me donner svpBonjour je vien de me faire couper l’internet à la maison et je suis mère monoparentale de deux enf…
EB6UE seriously needs data. Thanks!!Title says it all. My 1st time asking. I will pass it on one day! Thank you kind souls!!
Unable to gift dataAm I the only one who can't gift data? I see the button but when I click on it nothing happens
jai besoin de données svp quelqu'un ?jai besoin de données svp quelqu'un
Out of data :(If someone could help with some data, I would be forever grateful :) X4VH6 Thanks :)
Traveling low dataHello everybody, i am currently in the USA and my wifi situation is worse than I thought, going thr…
Data gift Jeux du Québec!Would anybody be willing to gift some data for a great young athlete off to the Jeux de Québec toda…
Looking for some data - WT97WHi all, Had a trip to the GTA last week that drained out all my data, just looking for some to get …
Help pleaseHello! working from home this weekend and unfortunately did not realize my wifi was turned off as m…
Hey, I have DATA to GIFTI'll try to give it to the first 5 people, leave me your code. 😃
Gifting dataI was recommended by a fellow Fizz member to ask the community if they could gift me data since I h…
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