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Data Gifting
Got extra data, or perhaps you need data? This is the place to raise your hand and make friends.
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No more data left :o code:CCFXWHi! Found out that with the power outage from the sotrm i used all my data before my cycle end. If …
Besoin de donnéesBonjour tout le monde! Avec la panne électrique, j’ai utilisé toutes mes données. Si quelqu’un a de…
Besoin de donnéesBonjour, j'aurais besoin de données mais envoyées directement à mon numéro 8194480646 car mon fils …
Need some dataI just found that I do not have enough data to use in the current period. Could anyone give me some…
Crazy weather and power outage!!! Need some data if anyone can help!Big power outage for several days where I live and I could really use more data! My referral code: …
No electricity, no internet, almost no dataHi, I live in Quebec and there's a massive power outage because of the weather, meaning I've got no…
Hello please no internet at home all my data gone 🥺 can someone help ,thanksHello please no internet at home all my data gone 🥺 can someone help ,thanks
No data leftI'm out of data for a couple of days, someone have extras ? RZ7BZ Thank you !
Can anyone spare any data?My referral code is W6WLS Thank you!
My Internet is down due to a cable cut issueI'm still waiting for the appointment email since Friday, I still don't know when I'll get it. Can …
Looking for some data please.ref kamtzWaiting to get hooked up to starlink as they are yhe only internet provider available in my area
No more data for the next 2 days/ Manque de donnéesHi, I'm missing datas for the next 2 days, does somenone have extra to give, it would be very appre…
1 account / 2 plans — Data transfertHi everyone I have 2x phones on the same account and I would like to transfer some data to the sec…
Beggar on the streets asking for data (not actually a beggar!)Hi everyone! With the weather being so unfriendly here in montreal, I'm unfortunately stuck without…
Data Help PlsMy Dad messed up my data plan and I am short on data this month. I have about 1 week left and I cou…
Travelling and I ran out of dataHi! i desperately need some data to be able to orient myself. I travelled for work and my data ran …
Ran Out of DataHello everybody. I ran out of data, could I please receive some from someone? My referral code is…
No power and data running outHey guys, I haven’t had power since this morning and I have been rationing data to talk to my teamm…
need data plsHi everybody,i really need data for my job i don't no what im gone a do if i cant work.. my referal…
I've been out of data for a few days and could really use the help!Hey, could anyone spare some data? It would be greatly appreciated. My ref code is ZUWFD Thank you!!
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