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Data Gifting
Got extra data, or perhaps you need data? This is the place to raise your hand and make friends.
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Send me some data pleaseMy internet in my house is unavailable and I just used my net in this month, please send me data, p…
Would appreciate some help - if anyone has to spareHi, Running low this month, less than 250mb left. Would anyone have some data to spare? Thanks, Ale…
Hi guys, its my first month and i messed up ! Need some data for few days please ! IQF5RHello, I have used all of my data thinking that i was in my second month. If someone have few data …
Hey can someone give some data? I run out mine. My referral code is XX47AHey can someone give some data? I run out mine. My referral code is XX47A THANK YOU 🤗🤗
Anyone can use an extra 1gb of data?I would love to gift someone 1Gb. Just give me your referral code and I'll sent it your way.
Hey can someone give some data? I run out mine. My referral code is HCAQB😂 Hey can someone give me some data? I run out my data on Fizz. My referral code is HCAQB, thanks!!!
If anyone is feeling generous :)Anything is appreciated ! I had to downgrade my data plan for this month it's been a little rough s…
In need of dataHello everyone could someone kindly gift some data to me? This is my referral code: SUY8K I would …
Anyone have extra data they don’t need?Hi everyone! As the title states, anyone have any extra data they won’t be using? I have 9 days l…
Anyone has extra dataHi, my referal code is 27DGJ. I still have a 5 days on my plan but im running out of data. :( Coul…
Need some datai have no more data, Please send me some My code is STPM4
NEED DATA PLSHas any one some extra data I still have more than a week to go and I am really low GWF2U Thanks
Gifting 2 GB to a random personHi, I will be gifting 2 GB to one random person at the end of today. Please put your referral code.…
I need some data for the month pleaseI made a huge mistake this month and used up almost all my data. Could a kind soul be gracious enou…
Need some help on data plzzzI am almost running out of data. Would anyone have some data to give me please? My code is TI3ZJ. M…
I’m out of net, This is my code STPM4I’m out of net, This is my code STPM4 please help my with a gift for net🥺 thanks
Need extra DataHello friends! I'm running low with data, and my plan has still a week to go.. BXSCJ Any amount is …
PPVMP - asking for data/demande de donnéesHello! I'm usually the one gifting but we had an emergency move this month and a week without Wi-F…
anyone feeling generous this xmas?Hello everybody! I would like to ask for data. anybody feeling generous? Q93UD 😘
Christmas gift! Data to give away / Données à donnerI have some spare data to give away. Just leave your referral code. J'ai des données de disponible …
Data assistance :)Hello everyone, I was wondering if any generous souls have some data they're willing to gift? Ended…
Data to give / données à donnerJust leave your referral code, I'll hook you up by the end of the day Juste laisser votre code de r…
NEED DATA ?New here and have extra data so tell me how and I will happily share my surplus. Don't be shy, it's…
Why can't I give my 15g data gift?Is this normal? Help
help need some data : ATGNJHello, I’m running out of data this month if you have some to spare you would be a life saviour. M…
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