You can modify your plan as per your requirement to add international call, but it will become effective in the following billing cycle
Fizz internet prices are not attractive as mobile plan prices!!!
New data every month is regular phenomenon and it can have a bug in that!!!
I have an email address of concordia and I have configured the SMTP server with theirs. It works either way, sending and receiving emails, from that email provided I connected to the university's WiFi. If I disconnect the WiFi and connect Fizz data, then it does not work. Before, I was using Bell home internet, and I was…
I tried to use smtp.fizz.com as SMTP server, but it says it couldn't establish a connection
M, I tried to use smtp.fizz.com as SMTP server, but it says couldn't establish connection with the server.
There may be chances of increase in price of add-ons after April!!
Need to have patience with Fizz!!!
Please check below link which says to use internet provider's SMTP server settings for outgoing email. https://aits.encs.concordia.ca/aits/public/helpdesk/clients/otherclients.html
Looks fishy here, I have wrote the comments and those comments are removed by the moderator. I want to know any solution exists for this?
As suggested by @Ed, its better to check the price and how much Fizz charged on the credit card after changing plan
@Tom, there is no concept of outgoing SMTP server for email providers that you have suggested. I am talking about official emails, which need to be configured in an e-mail app with outgoing SMTP server address.
@M, When I was using Bell internet connection, I used their outgoing SMTP server address. If I am using some other internet provider, I have to use theirs. In that scenario, I could send the email. But now I can not send any email from that. It going to stuck with outbox and says failed.
Allison has the answer
@Jean-Michel, is incoming SMS are free? I doubt if you have only data plan.. Please clarify..
If it is known bug, why don't FIzz remove the bug? Each person has to contact them?
Very strange that plan's price had gone from $6.50 to $44!!!! Is something fishy?
If you are not fully activated your sim and I you have not chosen the new number, then you can port the old number. Try with Fizz chat..
Its better to switch as earlier as possible to FIzz before they introduce regular prices that may be costlier!!
Thanks.. But I am asking about SMS messages? Can we individually deactivate voice call or SMS?
Where I can find deactivate functions?
M has the right answer.. I also have pending upgrade of 250MB..
Ok.. After unlocking, its only 30 days!! What is the priority in using data if I have data due to perks, upgrade and rollover data? Which one will be used first, second..?
I hope these problems won't repeat..
There are some glitches in services.. sometimes website will be down.. sometimes text sending problem... It takes sometime for stabilizing, thats why Fizz is in still introductory prices..