The payment will be charged from your card automatically. However, if you have blocked your card, then you can always change the card you have on file by logging in to your account and viewing your profile. Click on manage > payment method > add a new payment. Set it as a default payment method when you are done. If you…
I would suggest contacting Fizz customer support because this seems like a specific problem. You can reach them on Facebook messenger as well as any of the ways mentioned above.
Thank you for the offer! I also am not in need. Quarantine has me saving more data than usual!
Do you have data as part of your plan? I know that was a problem that I faced.
Contact Fizz for help and see what they can do
That's no fun, Fizz should change that. Thanks everyone!
Will the new cost only be effective when people change their plan? Or can the plan we already have be changed without us taking any action?
Thank you, I'm sure this will help someone.
Check your Fizz account to see how many plans are associated with your account. Maybe it's a referral notification. Did you share your referral code with anyone? If someone used your code, you should get a text saying, thanks to you (person's name) is now a Fizz member. Contact Fizz by live chat or on Messenger regardless.dans Two plans that are not mine have been activated on my account? Commentaire de Abdul R. #3217 janvier 2020
Personally, contacting Fizz on Facebook Messenger has been good for me.
I do not think so
Okay so I just tried it and when I use *67 before the number I want to call, I am not able to make the call. However, when I use #31# before the number I want to call, the call goes through and my number is hidden.dans does fizz allow us to make calls anonymously? i can't Commentaire de Abdul R. #3217 janvier 2020
Yes you need a mobile plan to be able to gift data. Furthermore, your mobile plan must include data in it (so only upgrades or perks do not count).
I'd agree, with friends and family. Anyone that is interested in Fizz for that matter. The others can correct me but I believe there are also Facebook groups you can join.
You can chat with them on the Fizz website or search Fizz on Messenger and chat with them there.
Okay thank you all! @Dani don't worry I will close the discussion, you don't have to tell me. It hasn't even been open for 24hrs! xD
@Mike But according to that link it states: "Each batch of rolled over data will expire after two (2) complete payment cycles, and this even if you change your plan". That would be 60 days then.
What about unsubscribing entirely and then subscribing all over again when you get back? Its a bit of a hassle though.dans Can I suspend my plan for few months since I am not in Canada? Commentaire de Abdul R. #3217 janvier 2020
Great to hear, but what was the issue?
For example if we get passed a certain level and unlock an upgrade, could we lose that too?
Message Fizz on Facebook Messenger to get in touch with support.
This is something Fizz should be dealing with.
Makes sense. If only there was a way to know how to get to the next level rather than just interacting with the community for who knows how long. Also do you get points for leveling up?
If only I could send data as a gift :/ (I have data but no "data plan").
@Samtou Okay got it, thanks!