@elena code xzi4t thanks for clarifying. Essentially, if I get addon data and use Whatsapp it should work fine, correct?
Thank you everyone! I figured it out!
@Jess_i88b6 on the second read of your message, it should say 0MB, but it is assumed that I can use the unlimited data. This will not impact the rest of my data, correct?
@Jess_i88b6 thank you this makes sense. But still my usage shows that I have no perks activated, even though I just activated it and my perks sections says that its "in use"
Many many thanks everyone! Excellent idea @Jess_i88b6
THANK YOU! all set!
Thank you!!!
Sorry to bother you again, so people in the US, not with Fizz mobile would likely be charged international calling fees when they call me?
@Fizzy - they are not with Fizz mobile. You are correct in that I am asking about charges for incoming calls (and texts).
Many thanks! Yes Canada and US are in my coverage area, which means that people calling me will not be charged extra, from what I understand?