It worked good for me in the last months, I receive almost instantly the text messages with the security code from PayPal. It also worked with other 2FA by SMS I used occasionally.
And this is how the alert messages from RBC Bank look like in the last few days: Rè R¥èQ2pÜMKFÅH7f¡òΣSFØΣ0¡PäùDΛ!C¡è6øæΔJÜ%sFÅH cF=+g æΔmB_+ù¤Δ(Rf¡q$dΛ:o¿5!ìåæΔS(=$uéR2l¿5!ìåæΔH 1$
And again PayPal didn't work today, I just don't get it !...
WOOOW !!! EUREKA! PayPal is working too! But the questions remain: how many others are not and for how long?... ;)
Well, it looks this post kinda lost its interest, but for those who are still interested about these issues, there's a newer one and probably the only on the subject, still opened:
OK, it looks it passed, is the one before the last one.
Thanks Chris for the update. For now I'm still waiting for my more detailed answer to be posted because was censured by Fizz.
That I understood it too back in November 2018, I think, when this became a major problem for many customers (remember, it used to work for a while), but why it didn't start with major companies like PayPal, Google, TD, etc, why it take so long and why such poor explanations, these are very hard to understand for me any…
Even this code by phone didn't use to work with PayPal, but I checked it 5 min ago and it worked this time. WOW! Until now I was able to use only the method of the two secret questions, but not everybody has that option set in their account.
Are you working for Fizz? If so, when this "stabilization period" will end?
A list of such companies was also requested a long time ago, but like the whole issue, it seems to be forgotten by Fizz. I have a suggestion, lets try all of us to submit a complain using this form in our accounts: Pretty sure Fizz Team got it and forward it,…
quelqu'un d'autre?
Among those who wrote me, anybody who didn't receive it? Of course, apart those who have a Fizz bug problem or no data plan.
Neither PayPal
That's cute! ;) Instead of solved issues, we get "promotions" now. I just passed from Apprentice 3/5 straight to Geek 1/5. Wooow !!! Fizz, you made my day!
Hopefully, in my case returned a second time and solved again, apparently.
Finally we have a kind of answer from Fizz:
@Herve, travail-tu pour Fizz?
Yes, there is But it became just a sick joke, despite many suggestions, including mine for a list of the issues and their status, it's always only saying that everything is fully functional.
And yes, I forgot, yesterday I received a message from two days ago too.
#metoo, it looks we have another general SMS outage :(
I also didn't received in the last couple of days some of the messages sent from phones which didn't have any problem with until now.
Oh, thank you so much, dear Fizz, it looks they finally "answered" me, I start missing regular SMS. Didn't know why my girlfriend was so mad on me when I got back home, I didn't answered a couple of her messages. How could I? I never received them. And when I explained her why, she got more mad on me because I changed my…
Et on est convaincu toujours qu'il n'y a pas de xénophobie au Québec... ;)
So, dear Fizz, do you think all these customers and the time and effort they put to explain in detail their issues worth some attention and few consistent words from you?