I did not receive a pin to activate my voicemail
Hello, I'm having trouble trying to figure out the solution to my problem. I have not received a pin to set up my voicemail. I have checked to see that I do have voicemail included on my plan. I receive calls and texts that say someone tried to reach me and leave a message but I can't access it. Whenever I try to call voicemail it says "call failed".
Can anyone help?
Can anyone help?
Best Answer
Hi @RomiD
You can log into your account to change the voice mail pin “from your Fizz account under My Plans > Manage My Plan > Advanced Parameters > PIN to Access Your Voicemail.”
Have you tried dialling voicemail number directly? +15146470999.
Also, do you have unlimited minutes in your plan? The FAQ says "your plan must include minutes" for some reason.
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Thank you, it’s working now!1
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