Can't buy addons

yasso Posts: 2
edited December 2024 in Your Fizz Account
Your website is buggy as always, but you are directly losing money on this one.
I can't buy addons and no its not my bank as your customer service seems to only believes so, but my monthly payment passes through every montly on the same card I'm trying to use.
Plus an HTTP POST error gets generated every time I tried to pay (see picture), so the order can't even be processed.
Its been month guys come on... Can't the IT team get at least some crumbs of the marketing budget ???


  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 10,751 ✭✭

    this kind of problem should be addressed to the customer service

    Here we are users

  • G225 code IRSGE
    G225 code IRSGE Posts: 5,391 ✭✭

    For the site web use browser in private mode for buy it.

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,312 admin

    Hello yasso  ,

    Sorry to hear about the issue.

    I verified your account and it appears that there is no clear indicator on our side on why the payment wouldn`t work.

    To remedy the issue, I escalated a new ticket ( closed the pending one as it had a few issues so we had to re-open a new one ).

    You will be contacted back via e-mail in the shortest time possible once our team receives our technical team`s feedback. 

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Have a good one,
    Raul, Community Moderator

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