5% this is not very big!
GST relief.. what are your thoughts about it?

I think my spending will increase because of it haha
Money talks!
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5% this is not very big!
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but at least it's something. Better than nothing 😊
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In theory it sounds nice, but what'll probably happen is the retailers/restaurants will increase their prices, and we'll end up paying the same thing. And then when the GST comes back the prices will stay the same and we'll be paying more going forward.
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Are they even allowed to do that?
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Unless the relief comes with a law that explicitly forbids price changing for a certain amount of time (which I don't think would pass), there's nothing stopping most retailers from setting whatever price they like. Certainly restaurants are not bound by any price control in Canada.
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Yes. Money talks but those ones that keep increasing prices do constant pressure on low and medium incomes.
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Just sounds like a joke for a short time. It would be best to stop increasing all pricing and than would result on something. Wages don't catch up with all pricing.
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I definitely agree…
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Those ones… the big moneymakers. Thats life i think so, richs against the poors. We dont see so much billionaires on front at war the poors are there unfortunately, no regards to nationality or country or whatever like this, sad side of realism as you said, we have to go with it and be smart with our everyday business
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It is nice but I would have included achool and restaurants in it. I would rater have a permanant exemption but with far less items!
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Yes I totally agree. It look like a tactic to get more votes.
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I'm happy to have a gst break from restaurants over the holidays, but that's a bit less money for small local restaurants that might already be struggling to stay afloat. So I'm sure some will increase their prices to make sure they can still keep the business going.
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I don't see way? It should be the other way around (except for the tips)
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It is a break of tax for a very short term and promo for someone.
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Yes. It would be very nice but they would not have all the money they want than.
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Just another way to increase money spending politely.
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Yes, it is reality in life.
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Yes. Obviously political thing.
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Yea probably. I think they are spending way too much the 250$ will be 6.5b if they give it.
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Yes like always haha The 250$ back fired.
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Yes totally and apparently its alot of logistic for them to remove the gst temporarily.
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Only positive beside consumers that they pay no tax is that it might bring more crowds to restaurants during that time period.
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Not asking those hard working class that's for sure. They will take whatever given anyway.
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So much for a bit.
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Where else is going?
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It will help for sure! Sadly I personnaly think restaurants are a luxury. Maybe removing taxe on something else would have helped more people in need.
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Yea it will be an accounting nightmare for some.
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Its going for people earning less then 150 000$ and that are working if I remember right. But its on hold for now.
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So let's get on time. That's another one I guess.
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Yes. That could be done to help some other areas of life. Housing problems are huge.
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Yes it but not sure if it will be done.
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Yes there's way better use of all that money!
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150 000$… oof… how many people have that much income?
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Yes. That's the problem that is there. Majority is not even close to that amount. How long one average citizen need to work to get that money saved?
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Most people would not achieve.
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Just temporarily giving us back some of our money which they will later take from us through other taxes.
It's not like they are cutting their spending.
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I'm pretty its a minority. But when your income is over 100 000$ or even a bit less do you realy need 250$. They rater give more but to lower income if they go through with it.
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Probably not.
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There's probably a beeter way to help people. That's more like a tactic to buy votes.
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Mostly depends on which province you live. There's a good video by CBC about it.
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Probably yes!
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Hopefully they will do something else with the money for the 250$ its not too late!
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Yes. They have to donate money or through other means of humanity to reduce tax or build their tax credits.
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So right. That is a little game to get more on a run.
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What is the video saying?
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have you link ?
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Yes but I'm not sure why the gouvernement would include then in the 250$ "giveaway"
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I don't think I can directly link it here but the title of the video is: "GST holiday: How much are you actually saving? | About That"
The quick and short of it is that if you live in PEI or Nova Scotia the savings from the GST break are quite significant
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Thanks. That saves folks in those provinces.