Any reasonable offers during Black Friday Deal time?

Any reasonable offer to check on this Black Friday time?
Most plans are about $3 cheeper then normal and have been for about 3 weeks. If you need a phone they give you up to 80% off your bill
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Hmmm. They should show some real deals now.
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Nothing good untill now. Maybe on Cyber Monday.
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Not realy the price were better last year. The only better deal then last year are the 80gb and 100gb plans.
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Yea hopefully they will have more promo monday!
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Yes the 80% off is nice but by exemple last year the 20gb plan was 29$ instead of 30$, the 50gb plan was 34$ instead of 35$ now. I
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Do you know what it means "Catch a deal on any plan you build." I didn't see any discount - 50Gb Canada is 35$, 80 Gb Canada is 40. On 50Gb should be 33. How to get this black Friday discount?0
They could say that to catch your attention as usual marketing trick. Unless you give up on something like reducing your optional things in your plan for $2. There should be all the same still.
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Yeah. We can check Cyber Monday.
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Yah, prices in fact went up. In contrast to last year deals that went attractive to most.
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> @Oli 64JKA said:
> Yes the 80% off is nice but by exemple last year the 20gb plan was 29$ instead of 30$, the 50gb plan was 34$ instead of 35$ now. I
You are right. I went to the plan change menu and selected mine 50 GB. It showed me the old one was 34$, and the new one was 35$. So which deal I'm catching?0 -
Yeah deal is like no deal at all when just compare last year real offers they had.
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Not that good, a little bit deceived
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The only way to reduce it further is to get 1$ bonus and apply them.
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Yeah its bad our only hope is the boxing day.
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Even the 80% is not that good because they changed the phone price before the black friday deals. By exemple the s24 ultra was 1799$ with no discount but now its 2200$ with a 80% off your plan. Unless you go with the 80go or 100go theres no deal that are better then last year infact they are 1$ more lol
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I just cant get over the fact that they rised some phones prices before the black friday deals lol
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Even after the rebate the prices are higher than before Black Friday.
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From my perspective there are no remarkable promos…
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Yes that bad. I guess our last hope is the boxing day.
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Right now I'm happy with what I got… If I manage to snug the same plans I have for a cheaper price I'll be even happier. Not even in a rush of getting a new phone but if the right promo present itself…
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Cyber monday did not help either. Lets see boxing day maybe changes a bit.
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Yes. That's the same here. I do not want anything in rush now. Lets see if there is better offer.
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Yeah. You can reduce through that or to reduce the service as they state. For example coverage of us and can to can etc
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Yeah. Plans in old same way.
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Yeah. The same here. Wait for right plan and price to get.
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Yes they might have better prices at the boxing day!
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Yes it can work too! Also since ios has now RCS you can mostly get by with texting using data. It can save some buck removing illimited texting.
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That is a catch. Uncovered well done.
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Yes. That was the option but not much in saving anyway.