Im in need of some data please help

So the reason i need data so bad is recently my home internet got turned off I guess thats what happens when u forget about it I would really appreciate the help any amount would be greatly appreciated thank u my code is TV3ZE again thank u to anyone who helps u are my hero
I'll send you some!
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thank u ur amazing i appreciate it so much
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You're welcome!
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I have a spare GB I can give you this month. Coming right up!
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Ur the best thank you and I appreciate any thing so much
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I'll send 500mb
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thank u anything helps
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I am gonna send you some. But I was wondering wether you got the 100GB gift perk from fizz perk?
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Idk I didn't see it but I can check
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Check from the perk option
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Ya I saw those and did use them I live with my family and everything is data hungry I guess both of those used and gone that was only 40gb there where did u get 100gb from and thanks
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You will receive it on December 20, 2024!! Please check your email.
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Hmmmmm I never seen that email I always check as soon as I get an email I don't remember seeing that ever weird my account is only 3 months old tho but cool wish it was on rn but it's still cool and good lol my reset is around the 24th so it'll help if I don't still have internet then but the bill is abit ridiculous so probably won't
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I will send some data!!
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Hope you have received my gift
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thank u so much i appreciate it so much
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My pleasure
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Thank u to the people that gifted without saying anything ur the silent heros I would post the people and thank them but without their permission would be not cool so ill just say it here again thank u to those people I truly appreciate it so much