Man thanks for sharing, we are learning everyday, I didn't know about the pollution with broken satellites and more in details about space pollution. That's an big jump to build houses on the Moon in 15 years... pretty impressive, it'll be funny if everything collapses here, and only people with alot of money can get any houses to the moon to survive from global warming here in Earth later on…
Do you believe in the extra-terrestrial?
Yea just knowing the will build houses on the moon feel weird. It would take alot of work to make the moon habitable for alot of people but I guess its not impossible!
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Yes It was an awesome show, I wish they continued it! 1000 years knowing what we did in the last 100 years, anything could be possible including finding new life! I would take that 1TB per sonconde internet!
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Hopefully it will stop before its too late. We might need to not only start looking for life out there but for a new planet!
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Yeah, I won't think it's for everyone though, first it will for the space travelers probably NASA that will be built and that's already a challenge building just one house in those conditions up there
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Yes that's forsure in the next 100 years we'll probably find it because our evolution in technology wise is like becoming more and more advanced to the point that every year we are doing x10 faster than instead in 1500 or in 1900 or even 1990, it's like from the 2000s we took off to a new pace faster than ever until today 2024
That 1TB per second Internet will be there probably around 2100 lol
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Your right and here we know how badly we messed up lmao it was like a test planet (experimental planet) where we tested everything out from scratch and pollution, global warming resulted it and it'll be hard to reverse that, when everything will be artificial than like on the Futurama, everything would be on top, flying cars, top cities, roads and nothing around water where it can affect destruction in the long run, Futurama show already knew that move lol
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Yea probably for scientific purposes. Its a cool who know we might have houses on the moon!
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For sure! The technologie is advancing so fast. Who know in 100 years the moon might be habitable! With unlimited data plan for canada hahah
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Yea its not going in the good way! Hopefully it wont look like futurama I dont want mollusc running around like Zoidburg lol Someone said something that blew mind and never think of. It was something like the earth is so old that who know if there ever was a hidden avanced civilisation like hundred of thousands years ago.
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Yeah exactly and would be easier on traveling and recovering and simply just having new experiences outside Earth. Lmao it would be nice and extremely priceless experience to cherish for since it's so beautiful but what should be the prices and mortgage rates hahaha
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Yeah pretty fast pace, your right anything is possible with the pace we go. Lmao yeah and free if charge or $5 for this unlimited data Canada plan with International and US together lol
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Hahahahahaha too jokes gotcha, hmmm that's interesting and extremely deep like statement, ot makes you think hard. It reminds me of the ATLANTIS myth that once were an hidden advanced civilization under water many years ago
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Yea it would be awesome there's so many challenges to over come for it to work. I cant imagine the prices haha Some people will have their vacation home their lol
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The Moon will be a transfert to go on Mars lol!
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I feel the space progress are slower, it might only be me not reading news enough. Best price ever lol
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It planted a seed of doupt in my head who know there might have been one like atlantis like you said and its been so long that there's no trace of it.
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Haha yea it might be! If they launch rockets from the moon it might help then to go faster and farder since there's much less gravity on the moon!
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Most likely, at least a supply well.
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With all the wars and disasters, there is not much left in the news.
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It would cost less too.
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Yeah like oxygen first of all and starting everything from scratch from food to clothes to energy (gas, electricity). Lol yes am chalet on the moon hahaha
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You might be right because we are mostly focused on what's in front of us or near us so basically anything in this planet (Earth). Nasa are funded to do their research and more and SpaceX is basically from passion but they are also paid by NASA for certain projects I believe but yeah Space industries exists in big countries like China, India, Russia
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Yeah exactly, I seriously believe it did, but the wonder of the unknown that gives you goosebumps is what's making it to know more about it, which makes me more alive of mysterious things and stuffs like Atlantis and more
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Yea kinda sad. They are almost not talking about Ukraine war anymore since a new one started.
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Yes probably and it might be more efficient.
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Yea it feel like minecraft in real life lol Yea I bet people will go for vacation there!!
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Yea spaceX still did some amazings things in the past years! Who knew rockets would be able to land by them self!
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Yes and as I said previouly they estimate we only explored 5% of the oceans. Who know what's left to discover!
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Yeah they only want the attention for their algorithmes to get the most money. Wars are extremely bad and always end up being sad
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Yes starting from scratch and building in real life like a game lmao
Yes they will, it will be the casual space trip lol
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Yeah they did, props to them for their innovative minds and the curiosity to want more for the evolution for the humans with technology thinking way outside of the box from everyone, Elon is the new genius in this planet
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We never know, maybe Atlantis city still exist in the unknown unexplored 95%, imagine they are aliens in the unknown part of our own ocean hahaha that would be crazy
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If they exist, wouldnt it be fun fun they would be just like this
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Yes probably! Yea they are pretty bad that's why alot of movies from the alien perspective humans will destroy themself.
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Can you imagine grocery price on the moon haha It would be hard to sustain themself.
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Yes and I'm sure they will continue to do awesome things! I'm not sure about Elon he's been acting weird sisnce the twiter aquisition haha
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Would be awesome! They might already be hidden withing us!
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Ye would be awesome if they were as friendly as E.T hahah
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Lol it looks cool tho and pretty much a different vibe but overall it would be awesome to know the unknown like aliens
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Lol that's an classic, humans destroying themselves in alien movies, they think we are mindless lmao
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Why are aliens often bad guys?
Why should it be?
Is it because it's selling?0 -
Lol it'll probably be like x100 the price from here, it'll be really hard at first that's true
It's funny because when an stock or crypto, in the market world, when a company price goes up, we say, it's going to the MOON!!! so yeah it reminds me of that with your calling on grocery prices lol
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Yeah he will and lmao probably he is short on sleep, but yeah he is having so much problems on regulations and stuffs with Twitter since he bought it
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Yeah that's a possibility and also imagine they are more advanced than us by alot like 5G for them is like billion years ago lmao
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They probably think we are brainless people lmao with their advancements
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Grown up in the 80s, E.T. is a memory marker in my mind, just like star wars, its a generation marker
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Yea haha They might be right with all the wars and how we are destroying the earth. Maybe an alien invasion is the wake up call we need lol
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Probably because people are scare of the unknown so that's how they are interpreted in movies. If we ever find some I hope they will be peacefull
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Yea the grocery price will go to the moon haha The moon will be for the top 1%
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Yea probably haha He has too much to do!