oh you would think so?
Think again hahaha, this picture was taken on September 13.
It's officially Fall/Autumn! What are your favourite fall activities?
It's for Christmas freaks like me hahaha have a holly jolly Christmas 🎶
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They are early.
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I love the cozy vibe of fall! Some of my favorite autumn activities include:
Hiking and Nature Walks: The fall colors are stunning, and it's a perfect time to explore nature while the weather is cool and crisp.
Pumpkin Picking and Carving: A classic fall activity that’s fun and gets you into the Halloween spirit
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Yes, the temperature is so much better to do sport and activities outside. Its not too warm!
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It seem like they are selling them earlyer each year haha
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Yes! People are starting to install them. My neighbors installed their halloween decorations last weekend!
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Yea most peole wont complete their resolution haha I stopped taking them because I did the same lol
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Yes, we are good outside and the chickens appreciate it too!
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Yeah makes sense, I've seen a bunch here around the area and it's actually nice to put them after the first day of autumn which is around 20-22 September and people can enjoy it mostly for kids thry can enjoy the scenery while going to school or walking to school
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Hahahahahaha love your honesty atleast you are true to yourself lol going to your pace is good too when you can
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Awesome haha I realy like autumn for that the temperature is so great in bonus there's colors everywhere.
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Yes! Its nice to see the decorations people make for halloween. As you said I'm sure kids enjoy them and looking foward for all thoses candies waiting for them the october 31!
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Yea its called procrastination hahah I should take advantage of those awesome autumn temperature and go for it!
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Yeah exactly they enjoy the vibe, theme of what's for the upcoming event for the autumn season is giving out, Halloween, the spooky vibe for atleast a whole month and candies, chocolates, missing the trick or treat days, free chocolates and candies
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Hahaha yes the perfect word that I was looking for procrastination lol, procrastinating is a dangerous weapon lmao he can make a person extremely lazy too
Yeah autumn temperatures, outfits et scenery will keep the procrastinating far away and give a boost to finally do it, motivation is the word 👌
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The spooky vibe is comming fast. Wait till the start of october and many more will start decorating. I realy like this time of the year!
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Yes its a self destruction weapon haha You're right with the scenery and temperature it will be awesome! Also snooping the neighbors halloween decorations!
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Yeah in a few days it'll be October, your right it's like from October to January we see many colors and many shifts from any other time of the year, those 90 days are the most vibrant and changes from spooky, to snow, to warm decorations, holidays, fall, winter, Christmas and finally new year
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Lmao yessir, exactly you can do that while doing your daily steps and you'll be surprised how you won't feel exhausted because you were distracted with the Halloween decorations, the colorful trees and you start enjoying the weather also
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Yes, I cant wait for people to light up their halloween/chrismas decorations. It bring some joy! Also cities when they put somes!
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Yea like a deer in headlights haha I love looking a home decorations no matter if its for halloween or chrismas!
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Me too, I love that.
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It's just bad that the sun is hidding early!
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Yeah exactly from mid August it starts to gradually hide earlier and nowadays is already at 7PM and soon 6:30PM ishhh
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Yeah totally agree with you, a feeling of joy and warmness that hits the soul right ✨️ yeah the cities, shopping centers and outside
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Lmao, yeah same here is just fascinating not only by it's beauty but also the time and love they put behind it, everything is a story
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Some people are very talented if I can say it like that. Some setup are realy awesome!
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Yes its bad! I'm less tempted to go out the evening because of that.
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Some peoples have awesome setup, they pouring their heart in it!
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Yesterday was a good day to put Halloween's decorations, a lot of people did it!
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Yeah man, I know a person in île Bizard, his setup on his big driveway like a full on haunted house and they offer people on Halloween day to try it
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Yeah weather was pretty nice too, weekend, almost October, perfect time to put Halloween's decorations.
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That's awesome! There's alway people that go overkill on decorations!!
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Roam around and enjoy fall colour!!
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Oh yes and I have my camera.
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Lol yeah they have the passion to it and we enjoy it
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yes the season of 🍁🍁🍁
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For them perfect photos and shots
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What's better is everyone get to enjoy it!
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Same, I realy like fall for that!
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Yeah younger people or older people, it doesn't matter, everyone get to enjoy it
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I would like to decorate too but each year I'm telling myself I'll buy decoration but I never do.
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You should do it and buy some already so when you get kids, you decorate with them which is more fun
Buy at Walmart to save money and on big size decorations I'll say Canadian Tire
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Yea I probably should! I went to canadien tire this weekend they had so much choices!
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Yeah love the big decoration that they have, and something they can be on mad special on those big decorations
You should probably get one big decoration and a few small ones with lights and all
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Canadien Tire, Dollorama and Rona have many decoration.
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Yeah thanks for mentioning
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Yea there was a giant skeleton! It would have beed awesome but its a bit expensive.
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Damn, it looks good tho, you buy it once and keep it for life, how much was it tho?
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Yea it will be good for a while. Like 350 or 400$