What are your accomplishments so far in 2024?

For me, a big one would be moving out of my family's place. Something I thought I could never do. How about yours?
I want to try to have more patience…
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So far, I have done a lot of Shad fishing in 2024.
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dang not much, it’s been a long year of studies for me
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I got my new dog clean!
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Interesting, I'm planning on that for the first time in my life in around an year or less... how was your process of it? How was breaking out of your confort zone? Thanks for sharing with us.
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One of it was gaining weight, something that I thought I've could never done it but gratefully we made it, even with my high metabolism... I was really patient with myself and my body, trusted the process and here we are made it partially
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Extremely good in a fast pace, life mouvement. Good to be more patient, it will benefit us in the long run
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Good luck, best wishes for your studies
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That's awesome! I'm glade you reached your gold!
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Hopefully its going well!
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Wise decision.
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Yeah man thanks brother, really appreciate 🙏
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thanks 🤜🏻🤛🏻
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You're welcome 🫡
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I started walking reguraly!
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Very healthy accomplishment.
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Thank you!
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awesome that's super healthy and good for the overall body
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Yes, the harder is to keep soing it haha
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Yeah my brother perseverance is the key to success.
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Yes it is! But there's always something nicer to do!
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You can keep it up, it's always to keep an habit
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Yes as they say it takes 14 dayes to pickup an habit!
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Yeah lol no need to go hard on yourself, start slowly but steadily, it doesn't have to be a long time also, you should also feel like you feeling good about the progression and the time and effort putting to it, with good music in your ears to make it better, good scenic areas and such
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Its mostly that the motivation is not there! You're right music will probably make it better.
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I try to cycle 4 times a week
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a good playlist and that's it
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That's awesome! Is there a route you usualy do?
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Thanks! I don't have a set route, but I enjoy scenic paths with a mix of nature and urban views. It keeps things interesting, especially if I can switch between different trails or explore new areas.
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That's realy nice! The views must be amazing especially with autumn colors!
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yes it will be more and more beautiful as the days go by
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Welcoming a new member in the family. A little brother for the big sister!
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Waouh congrats !
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Congratulations brother 🤝
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Yeah I get you. It's hard at first. Try with small steps. One time. Two times after and goes on...
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Having gone through the 3 years of COVID 19, the last miles of the compulsory protection necessary in those around me were played out until the beginning of 2024
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Yes, colors are already changing. It make it more motivaring for me to go walk haha
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Yes I will, having nice colors and temperature outside will surely help me!
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Yeah exactly the scenery and the colder weather, I remember one day, I found out about the health app on my Samsung and was checking into it and came by chance that it made walk more because it was calculating my daily steps and even converted automatically in kilometers so that app kinda gave me a boost at first just a quick reminder
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I like the idea of "gamify" your activities fpr mativation. Like you said the app its easy. Like today I did 5000 step by exemple, can I do 5500 tomorrow. That can help for motivation!
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Yeah exactly and 5000 steps is plenty to start, that's extremely good keep it up, and yeah, gradually increasing is an good idea but not everytime like 5500, 6000, 6500, 7000 too quickly will make you simply hate the process and will drain your body because it's not used to it and didn't mastered the 5500, 6000... and advancing too quickly… keeping 5000 for awhile and go onto 5500 after a few times or weeks is a good idea for your body to get used it and the mind also will know and get used to it to go to the next level which is 5500
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I don't no, how many steps but I walk average more 1 km day..
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Yes weekly is a good idea to increase! I have to walk more sadly my job doesnt involve me walking around.
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Finishing French courses Level A-2
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Level a-2 is based to French Europeen.
There are three group tests.
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Pretty awesome keep it up
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Oh than walking is necessary whenever you got the for it, you'll be healthier
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Really nice dude, keep it up
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That's awesome keep up! Its an hard language but its nice to know it