How great is it that the data you don't use gets added onto your next month?!?

It's great and I think it's the only one. We pay for the data, why would we lose it.
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Its realy great! Its the only company that rollover the data for 2 months, there's an other one that does it but only for 1 month.
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It's great. One of the perks of being with Fizz along with data sharing.
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It's one of the main things that got me interested in Fizz. It's definitely great, and I don't know any other company that does this.
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Really great! thanks to Fizz for this advantage
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Very demure. Very mindful0
The best feature that only FIZZ is offering. Thinking outside of the box compared to other companies. They are all the same, but not here with FIZZ, we are different. 😌🤝💪
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Totally agree. We are unique here. ⚡️
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Fizz is the best!
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Really great! only at Fizz as i know
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I'm not a heavy data user so having data rollover for a rainy day is really nice.
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Yes its an awesome feature! I love it!
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Yes, I also love when they give us random gifts!
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Yes! It is also realy usefull when loosing electricity!
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Absolutely. Thinking outside the box. Makes Fizz stand out.
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Yeah that's perfect
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Yeah awesome to be with FIZZ, we are different from every other's and unique here
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Yeah the coupons they give, with offers, data gifts and such, they are always welcome to us
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Totally agree with you
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Yeah exactly, that's uniqueness and different from every other companies
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Yes I hope they continue bringing feature like that! I also like what they did with phone you can buy up to 60% discount on your plan!
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I remember when they gave everyone 4 or 5 time the amount of data in your plan at the start of the summer it was a great gift!
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Hopefully it doesnt happen but its great to have some rollover data for that!
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This is definitely one of the best and one that is new because I've never had anything like this before and bought my phone elsewhere unlocked but now I know where to get my next phone from for that 60% off in the plan
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Yeah they gave 24 hours coupons for data snd before that 4 or 5 coupons of our data valid for like 180 days
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Yeah totally agree on this one
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Yes its an awesome feature! You can also change your plan and keep the pourcentage off your plan!
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Yea it was great! It was so much data I think I didnt even used them haha
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Espacialy 2 months the other compagny that does rollover data is only for 1 month!
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I keep them for vacation awah from any WIFI connexion.0