Unable to activate

ViviMon Posts: 6
edited September 2024 in My Mobile
I am trying to activate a phone plan with a credit card that is under a different name (with the persons consent). This was mentionned to support and didn't raise any flags with them but I suspect that's what is blocking the activation. I've been back and forth with support for a week and haven't made any progress.

Has anybody tried activating with someone else's credit card? Is this possible?

The card holder has a fizz account and is willing to activate it the plan on their account but the SIM is tied to me.

Not sure where to go from here


  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 10,749 ✭✭

    Hi @ViviMon

    You can use the same card in a different account, but when you enter it you must enter the right name and address.

    And yes it was possible to do, I didn't have to do lately therefore I don't know if they change something.

  • BradDoell
    BradDoell Posts: 296 ✭✭

    Good morning @ViviMon

    To expand on what Elena has said here is a snippet from the faq on the topic.


    When you enter the information for your payment method, the billing address associated with your card must be 100% identical and correspond to the address you declared to your bank for that card. Pay attention to the following items:

    • The name of the street (Ave, avenue)
    • Special works (Saint, St, Ste)
    • Hyphens
    • Spaces
    • Spelling”



    I would suggest getting a copy of the first page of that credit card statement and reviewing it to ensure you have entered the information exactly as shown.



  • ViviMon
    ViviMon Posts: 6

    To clarify I was able to add the card to my account prior to activating and still get an error message when I try to activate the plan. The card information is correct, the address is correct, everything has been entered correctly.

    I asked support to escalate this issue or to transfer the SIM to the cardholders account so we can try activating on his account. They keep asking me to clear my browser cache and try different browsers/incognito mode (I tried multiple times and told them so).

    This is getting frustrating.

  • ViviMon
    ViviMon Posts: 6

    Thanks for your replies.

    To clarify I was able to add the credit card to my account. The error happens when I activate the SIM card/phone plan. The address, card number, name is correct and has been verified multiple times.

    I asked support to escalate the issue or to transfer the SIM to the cardholder's account so we can try to activate it there. They keep asking me to clear my browser cache, try different browsers/incognito mode. I have tried different browsers, different devices, incognito mode, cleared cache and told them so but they're persistant on this being the issue.

    It's getting frustrating.
  • BradDoell
    BradDoell Posts: 296 ✭✭

    Hi again @ViviMon

    After adding a credit card, you must also associate it with your account. Apologies if you already went through this step.

    From the FAQ.

    “Once a payment method has been added or modified in your account, don’t  forget to associate it with each plan you wish to pay with this card. The association is not done automatically.”

    “  If you have more than one Fizz plan, you must repeat these steps and associate the desired payment method with each of your plans.   

    1. Log into your Fizz account.
    2. Select the plan you wish to associate with a new card.
    3. Click on Manage plan > Change my payment method
    4. Select the payment method with which you’d like this plan to be associated with.”



  • ViviMon
    ViviMon Posts: 6

    I don't have a plan yet, I won't until I can first activate this SIM that seems impossible to activate.

    Thank you,
  • G225 code IRSGE
    G225 code IRSGE Posts: 5,388 ✭✭

    Contact us | Fizz for this problem or contact in private message here: @Whizz

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,303 admin

    Hello ViviMon  ,

    Sorry to hear about the issue.

    I managed to get back to you via e-mail as I replied to the latest contact form in which you reached our customer service.

    Be sure to check it as we will continue the conversation there in the meantime.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Raul, Community Moderator

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