Thank you Fizz, hope expansion will go on and on!
Canadian expansion: A big thank you all around.
Unfortunately Fizz doesn't give information on future expansion plans. We will know only once it rolls out.
I assume that it is in the future plans.
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Thank you Fizz, hope expansion will go on and on!
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They sure will, they expended the subcription areas with their other brand recently It will probably be the same with fizz
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Welcome to all.
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Welcome all
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Makes sense0
Data here is insane0
Lightning fast.
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yes the speed is pretty good!
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It's faster than some of the lower frequency 5G.
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this is awesome
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waww.. thanks fizz !! the best in the whole Canada
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The best yes!
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Awesome call quality.
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Yes indeed.
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Yes it is!
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I wonder what the next expansion areas will be.
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The same areas with better coverage.
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Would be nice to expand the green map.
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With the 5G in the same time.
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That would be awesome.
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Yes it would be nice I also would like to see an international plan
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We will probably see the expension with theirother brand first. It would be nice if they could resolve the high price of their plan Manitoba. I know its not their fault but plans are bad their.
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Yes I hope they bring it soon!
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True. An international roaming plan for talk and text would be a great addition.
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Yes maybe soon their other brand have thoses kind of plans
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Maybe they can use the same partners.
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Hopefully they will. Being able to call abroad would be nice
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Yes. Roaming abroad is becoming a must these 6.
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Hey everyone!
Just wondering if there is some type of coverage update newsletter? It would be great to know as soon as coverage is expanded and in particular when it hits my area in Ontario. I have 3 lines I would love to switch over to Fizz asap! Looks like a great service!1 -
Yes, I tottaly agree just having the possibility to call would be a nice addition
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You could follow the sub forum called "official fizz communication" each time a post will be made you will receive an email
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Good idea.
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Thanks Fizz!. Your Plans are the best in Canada.0
They actually are.
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Curious to know of there are any plans to bring internet in Ontario too?0
No one know, hopefully they will
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Yah, looking forward to it.0
good stuff fizz
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Fizz all the way, no better quality/price offer
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very nice for me!
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Good service.
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y’all are amazing ❤️0
Thank you.
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Thanks !!!
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Yes! I'm realy satified with fizz!
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Me too really !!