customer choice ?

kingTheod Posts: 206 ✭✭
edited July 26 in My Mobile

Fizz has recently introduced a massive data plan at 50G for $34

we can even go further with 75 Go for $50

i wonder how many fizz clients use such huge data plan for a mobile plan.

it's very unlikely you may squeeze out your plan in a month…unless you use your phone as a hotspot outside your home.

if you consider the roll-over, plus perks, you get extra gigas on top of you plan for the next following months (150G or more !)

i believe it 'd be worth-will to consider a "low cost" plan (entry-level) such as 1 Go data plan which is enough for reasonable usage (big consumers can move toward mega plans and satisfy their addiction to social network activities, video sharing service, video streaming platform, gaming etc..)

i"m also surprised about this plan : $19/m + tx = unlimited texts & calls Quebec-wide (!)

or this one : $7 for Quebec..(or $13 for Canada/USA or $9 for canada)


Best Answer

  • zipilgrim
    zipilgrim Posts: 114 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I picked the 4Gb plan a few months ago when it was only $1. I can't imagine needing more (with the upgrades it's closer to 5Gb anyway) but I don't see it a bad thing that Fizz offers those large data plans, if someone out there has a use then they can get what they need.

    I like that the base price is so low at $7, sure you don't get anything with it other than the use of the number, but then you can customize with addons, adding minutes and texts is very cheap, and with the upgrades even the $7 plan has some data with it.


  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 8,072 ✭✭
    edited June 16

    Hi @kingTheod

    some member can use it in the summer when they will in a camping for example

  • Mark123_2024
    Mark123_2024 Posts: 4,332 ✭✭

    If you are buying one package for your whole family?

  • pila SEWYG
    pila SEWYG Posts: 691 ✭✭

    Calculation worth it!

  • BeakBird
    BeakBird Posts: 3,379 ✭✭

    That's a lot of data for 1 person to use on a mobile device.

  • Soma
    Soma Posts: 145 ✭✭

    Heavy hotspot users

  • Liwei
    Liwei Posts: 606 ✭✭

    $7 plan user here😅

    I'm usually either home or at work so I use wifi. For phone calls and texts I buy add ons($3 for each that will last for 2 months if I get them on the first day of my plan cycle). It's been working fine for me so far

  • kingTheod
    kingTheod Posts: 206 ✭✭

    my point here is that fizz displays a $7 plan and you get nothing (for quebec-wide coverage) !

    it's even more expensive if you select canada-wide, and canada-usa..

    surely a bug ??

    i might consider your strategy since i rarely call people…everything now goes app-based messaging / videocalls …

  • kingTheod
    kingTheod Posts: 206 ✭✭
    edited June 19

    elena, camping in remote area can be challenging…LTE may be unavailable or face network issues.

    my point was about telcos are now racing to upgrade their data plan to a point you cannot even finish it !

    similar to smartphone makers releasing 1 To of storage or more !….while battery is in fact the "weakest link"

  • Liwei
    Liwei Posts: 606 ✭✭

    I see what you mean. I guess you pay a service fee of $7 a month. I use Fizz's upgrades for some free data and think just that is worth the $7

  • jvh_NVPF2
    jvh_NVPF2 Posts: 706 ✭✭

    Tempted to drop unlimited calls but not sure if I want to go through with it in the event I do end up calling frequently and losing grandfather pricing

  • kaitokun
    kaitokun Posts: 1,090 ✭✭

    Where do you see 50gb? 40gb is thr highest here in ontario

  • Doomdrou
    Doomdrou Posts: 1,335 ✭✭

    I have a 50GB plan. I understand there is an entry level plan, but the real entry plan is the one with 1 GB of data. In consequence, people can send you data, something you can’t do with a no-data plan…

  • Mark123_2024
    Mark123_2024 Posts: 4,332 ✭✭

    If you split it to your whole family it might worth.

  • kingTheod
    kingTheod Posts: 206 ✭✭

    too bad, in Quebec Only ! select your area a the top of the website and then pick up data plan, Quebec does give you 50gb whereas Ontario is "only" 40gb.

    unless you are glued to your phone on daily basis and spent your life with your phone, you are unlikely to swallow up those mega gig.

  • BeakBird
    BeakBird Posts: 3,379 ✭✭

    Definitely more than the average user needs.

  • BradDoell
    BradDoell Posts: 160 ✭✭
    edited June 28

    I typically use about 2GB a month, BUT when I go on a road trip of thousands of kms, I can use 10GB plus in mapping, uploads of video to family and friends on social media etc. I know I could download maps offline, pausing social media syncing until wifi is available etc., but for the cheap price that Fizz offers for a 10 GB plan, it is nice to not have to even think about it. And with the data rollover, I know I will always have more than enough.

    I have switched two mobile plans. One to Fizz and the other to another Quebecor company and have saved 84.00 a month!

  • BeakBird
    BeakBird Posts: 3,379 ✭✭

    Good point. For the price it's not worth the hassle.

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