BETA testers, here’s a 1st assignment for you.

Whizz Posts: 24,361 admin
edited July 2024 in TV

Thank you for taking part in the BETA for Fizz TV. 🤜🤛

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be publishing short assignments to “test” our TV service.

Your feedback will help us identify issues and fine-tune the experience for everyone.

Your 1st assignment:  

1) Open the Fizz TV app and sign in.  

2) Find the TV guide. 

3) Locate the filters icon. 

4) Select “Subscribed channels”. 

5) Check that the channels you selected appear in the guide.  

*We are aware that you probably already downloaded the app, but we would like your feedback*

Please share your comments below 👇 

We look forward to hearing from you.  


Thanks in advance, 

The Fizz team. 💚


  • M T. #12340
    M T. #12340 Posts: 789 ✭✭

    I have 2 android box :

    1 The one with Android version 9 ( not TV version ) I'm able to get the latest version of Fizz TV ( )

    And it works fine

    2 The one with Adroid TV version 11, I can only get Fizz TV version : this version does not have Filter channel Icon. I had to go to Setting to change "My Guide".

    Can you please push Fizz TV to Android TV Google store ( or make sure that latest version can be ran on Adnroid TV version 11 ).

  • D0um
    D0um Posts: 33 ✭✭


    I am seeing all the channels I subscribed to on both my devices (iOS and Android TV).

  • onthebusagain138
    onthebusagain138 Posts: 5 ✭✭

    I would love the opportunity to give you feedback but I am still waiting to be able to subscribe. Any idea on a timeframe that I should have access to the service?

    Thanks in advance

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,361 admin

    Hi @onthebusagain138,

    You should have access!

    Happy viewing😀

    The Fizz Team

  • TonyRama
    TonyRama Posts: 44 ✭✭

    quite interesting: the filter worked fine from my home location. now tried while visiting family in quebec city and can only see 4 channels! fizz is their internet provider.