Low picture quality and pixelated text
On Nvidia shield (Android TV), quality is very low (looks worse than 720p) and text is pixellated on almost all channels. Do you experience the same problem?
Same problem with firestick on 4K tv
Hopefully it will get better over time. I believe in Fizz and it's not up to Fizz's standards for sure !
It looks like SD (480p) to me.
For the first day in beta, it is acceptable, but later it will not meet the standards. Moreover, Fizz asks for at least 30 Mbps, while this quality is probably around 3 Mbps.
Fizz should give us choices of picture definition ( like Netflix ) for example :
480p : 10$
720p : 20$
1080p : 25$
4K : 30$
Good idea !
did a quick comparison with the same channel (GlobalTV) this morning with my over the air antenna stream (using HDHomeRun) vs the FizzTV stream. The antenna stream is 1080i so I figured the fizz stream would be better quality but no. Seeing some pixelation in the text in the fizz stream. Not sure what resolution their stream is but looks lower than 1080i (maybe 720p?). I’m on a 400mbps connection so no reason for it to be lower quality like this. Doesn’t bother me just found it weird that it’s lower res compared to the antenna option.
Same here ! 940mbps so no reason for lower quality. Fizz TV is based on River TV app. Yesterday, I subscribed to RiverTV (they have 1 month free trial) and I was surprised that it was the same low pixelated quality on both River and Fizz. They can definitely do better compared to others (e.g. Virgin TV and even Helix app).
hopefully they will fix it very shortly ✌️
Wow that’s a great idea
Yes! Because overall, it is promising.
do you think you’ll keep your beta price once the beta is completed?
I hope so :) But I think all beta accounts will be closed and customers will have to re subscribe.
Hope that at the end it will be a good quality.
hopefully not, it would be a great reward for the guys that helped fizz set up their television app
Not so bad on a 2020 Chromecast @1080p
Indeed, some channels are better than others ! But the French CBC channels (especially RDI) is horrible. On a more positive note, I never experienced any buffering since day 1.