Issue with the camera of preloved phone - PART 2

Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭
edited May 2024 in Phones

Coming from here, but giving an update since the thread was locked

Contacted Support via chat and the options they provided:

  1. Sending the phone, there is no option to choose anything regarding the camera but will choose the "physical damaged" option. IF the technician finds the issue (which occurs under specific conditions when filming, AND they decide if that's part of the warranty, they will fix it and will get it back within 2 weeks. If any of the 2 clauses are NO, I need to pay $75 in order for me to get the phone. Also, when I get it back let's say fixed, but as soon as I receive it I see the issue persists, I cannot contest it or send it back as the warranty is over.
  2. Going myself to a technician in person and having it repaired. Of course out of my pocket.
  3. Returning the phone and purchasing a new one, then if technician consider there was an issue, Fizz MIGHT consider paying a part of the new phone purchased.

With all the issues I had when I purchased initially the phone (among others, having only 87% of battery), and the passive aggressive tone of the support interactions, I was told that maybe options 2 and 3 could work better in my situation, then I don't know why there is a warranty to start with. It makes very little sense to purchase a preloved phone and having no support if a issue happens.


  • Agima
    Agima Posts: 249 ✭✭
    edited May 2024

    Seems like the phone has been exposed to too much vibrations and the OIS (optical image stabilisation) lens is now defective…

    It is certainy has become a gamble to buy used phone now… Many things can go wrong indeed. :(

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Right, I'm actually reading about it since Apple had to provide an article about it:

    I haven't dropped my phone or anything, I still have intact the Iphone 12, XR and 7 like the 1st day, only thing I cannot use them due to 32Gb is like impossible for what I have (just the backup of the phone is bigger than that…).

    My issue here is that I need to trust a technician blindly that can notice this (the issue is not as bad as other people I have seen in videos, mine gets so blurry in 1 or 2 frames once in a while in when filming… but of course breaking the purpose of having a good phone to take videos). IF they see it, AND IF they consider under warranty I get it fixed, IF NOT … I have to pay $75 to get the phone back, but EVEN IF I get it back and I still notice the issue occurring right at the moment of getting it, I cannot do contact them after as it's pass over warranty. Plus the manners in the chat were very defensive… and leading me to better either go myself to a technician or purchasing a new one (I took screenshots of the chat just in case…). A lose-lose situation for the client.

    Thanks for the comment @Agima

  • kaitokun
    kaitokun Posts: 1,389 ✭✭

    Maybe option 3 is the best? I'm not sure

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    @kaitokun right, except that they threw a few "we might consider" while telling me about the option 3. Also I don't know the amount they would cover nor IF they consider it would enter in the warranty. Of course I want to avoid paying +$500 for a new phone, 5ish months after purchasing a phone.

  • Agima
    Agima Posts: 249 ✭✭

    I'm sure they tested the used phone prior selling it, but problems like the defective camera are often hard to spot since they don't always appears.

    Option 1: the OIS of the phone is indeed a mechanical part of the cellphone (part of the camera). I would again contact Fizz, sending them the information you found provided by Apple. Regardless of the level of training of the technicians, they will now have information as it is a real problem. Since you bought a used phone, it is highly possible that the phone was indeed damaged by the previous user. Talk/write to them about this.

    The problem with option 1 is that we don't know what and what is not covered by the warranty. Ask them is a damaged OIS camera lens from a used phone is covered or not.

    Right now, option 2 is not to be considerated. It is not fro you to pay this I think.

    Option 3 might be a good one, only if they indeed ackknowled that OIS damage is indeed a problem covered by the warranty. They might then get you a new one in exchange of the one you have.

    Regardless, as consumer we do have rights. It is called Legal Warranty. Legally speaking, Fizz have to offer you a working phone, even if it is a used one. If you are in Québec, the Office de la protection du consommateur might be of assistance to you. Here's a description of the legal warranty from the Office:

    I'm not saying you have to play this card, but what I'm saying if keep talking to Fizz, inform them about the OIS with Apple explaination of the problem with the link, that your indeed noticed the problem with the phone they sold you, that you just want to go forward positively and found an acceptable solution for you and them.

    If this fails, then you'll have to make a choice if you want or not to get the Office involved with you. There are precedings and won cases about this kind of stuff.

    So keep the discussion alive and civilized with Fizz, explain what you've learned, what you are expecting from them and you just wnat to make it work, for them and you.

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,578 admin

    Hello @Fizz_Luis ,
    Thank you for reaching out.

    I took the time to read both of your posts and the interactions with the customer service representatives, and I need to inform you that the best alternative is to proceed with the warranty claim.
    If you don't act on this soon, it will expire in a couple of days and be lost. We will support you throughout the process and afterward. However, we need you to contact us privately, to discuss the details, and keep in touch for a good collaboration.

    Have a good one!
    -Sergiu, Community Moderator

This discussion has been closed.