Fonts, text size, color, embedding photos

I'm new to the party.
Just curious how people are posting with different fonts, text size and colors? I don't see any option like that in the comment area.
Best Answer
If you just joined the forum, you could still be in a kind of probationary period so some features may be limited… that could also be the reason why you cannot modify the text, insert images and you need to wait for moderator approval of every post
You can make a test with Words and when you finish, just copy and paste here
Glad to help you
Have a good Easter
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If you are from a phone, you can press the first symbol on the left at the bottom of the text box and then select H2 and change the style of heading.. if you want to add an image you can either select the second or the fourth one
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Hi @newjeans_bunny,
On PC, all is here :
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@newjeans_bunny let us know if you need more help
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I must be missing something because I don't see that option. Same on my phone. See attached screenshot.1
> Hi @newjeans_bunny,
> On PC, all is here :
Hmm I must be missing something because I don't see that option on both phone and PC1 -
Strange, what is your internet browser on PC ?
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Could you maybe share a screenshot to see how it looks like for you?
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Here's the screenshot. Hope this uploads. Using Chrome on both phone and PC.0
Sorry, responses are a bit delayed because I guess it needs to be approved first. It also looks like picture attachments are being removed. I just tried attaching again. Using Chrome on both phone and PC.0
I see. Thanks Fizzy. That makes sense.0