Symmetrical Internet in the future?

RandomUsername Posts: 2
edited February 15 in Internet
What is the possibility of fizz offering symmetrical internet in the future? Are the current upload speeds determined by a hardware limitation with the current coax hardware being used?

I am satisfied with the connection stability, no throttling policy and the public IP lease policy with Fizz, but I feel that they should offer at least 200-250 Mbps upload speeds with the 400 Mbps plan. Especially considering the competition that offers FTTH in Montreal at a similar price, but with greater and symmetrical speeds.


  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 5,104 ✭✭

    Salut @RandomUsername almost 0, since the cable technology it is asymmetric, in order to be able to have symmetric speed for Fizz it will be change the technology that Videotron is using. At the moment, Videotron is offering 940/50. Moreover, "Yes, Fizz applies traffic management measures, but only from the user to the Internet (upload), and for accesses of 100 Mbps or more (hereinafter called THE ACCESSES*). *Certain conditions (see below)." therefore if you are duing a lot of upload you can be limited

  • Andrei_ref_R7VK1
    Andrei_ref_R7VK1 Posts: 6,631 ✭✭

    In order to be competitive in the market Fizz/Videotron will have to adapt to/deploy new technologies.

  • Patricia C5YQZ
    Patricia C5YQZ Posts: 2,707 ✭✭

    You get the answer in your question 🙂 No one can beat FTTH

  • FizzyFizz JQMPM
    FizzyFizz JQMPM Posts: 6,494 ✭✭

    It's not up to Fizz, but to VIdeotron to change the infrastructure if the want to offer higher upload speeds. Unfortunately there's only much that Fizz can do

  • Patricia C5YQZ
    Patricia C5YQZ Posts: 2,707 ✭✭

    You are so right! Fizz is like the little sister of Videotron

  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 5,104 ✭✭

    To change the infrastructure it is a huge investment, since it is asymmetric probably the can change the ratio

    But the normal user I am not user that needs more than 50Mbps in upload

  • FizzyFizz JQMPM
    FizzyFizz JQMPM Posts: 6,494 ✭✭

    A lot of people working remotely could benefit quite a lot of a symmetrical option though...

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