Phone delivery

Floflocat Posts: 2
edited December 2023 in Phones
Hi, I would like to purchase a phone to be delivered to my house. I probably won't be at home during the delivery period. Will the courier leave the package to my other household members if I'm not home?

Best Answers

  • wayne
    wayne Posts: 251 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    It depends on the courier. Most couriers will allow household members to accept the package on your behalf(photo id may or may not be required). Best to confirm with them.

    I’m not sure how many courier services fizz are using, so far I’ve only dealt with one for 2 separate deliveries. You will only find out who it is after you purchase the phone unfortunately.

  • Easygolucky
    Easygolucky Posts: 1,089 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    When it comes to receiving a phone delivery from Fizz while you're not available at home, there are a few points to consider:

    1. Delivery Process with Fizz: Fizz uses specific courier services for their deliveries. These couriers generally have the policy to hand over packages to any responsible adult present at the delivery address. However, this can vary based on the courier's own rules.
    2. Signature Requirements: For high-value items like mobile phones, the courier might require a signature upon delivery. This is to ensure the safe and verified receipt of the item. If their policy is strict, they may not leave the package without your direct consent or presence.
    3. Leaving Instructions: In anticipation of your absence, you might consider leaving a note for the courier, authorizing them to leave the package with another household member. While this method is not foolproof, it can sometimes facilitate the delivery in your absence.
    4. Handling Missed Deliveries: In cases where the delivery attempt is unsuccessful, the courier service typically leaves a notification with instructions for rescheduling the delivery or for picking up the package from a local collection point.
    5. Tracking the Delivery: It's advisable to keep track of your delivery through any tracking information provided by Fizz or the courier. This way, you can stay informed about the expected delivery time and make arrangements accordingly.

  • Matthew A. #24717
    Matthew A. #24717 Posts: 375 ✭✭
    Answer ✓


    I just received my phone tonight and I didn't need to show ID to the delivery person, I just needed to sign. So likely anyone in your household could sign for the phone.

    Oh and the courier company never updated the status to out for delivery, so I didn't know that it was going to arrive today.

    Hope this helps,



  • dryfirewood
    dryfirewood Posts: 1
    > @Matthew A. #24717 said:
    > Hey,
    > I just received my phone tonight and I didn't need to show ID to the delivery person, I just needed to sign. So likely anyone in your household could sign for the phone.
    > Oh and the courier company never updated the status to out for delivery, so I didn't know that it was going to arrive today.
    > Hope this helps, -> [Friday Night Funkin](
    > Matt

    Technology has changed. Now you can see the estimated delivery time, as well as the delivery person's phone number.
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