gifting data

kenz Posts: 12 ✭✭
edited August 2023 in Data Gifting

I'm trying to gift some data to a friend but I keep getting an error message saying that it cannot be completed, or that they don't have a data plan which is silly because they do. He is on my friends list and I sent him some data last week without issues. What gives? My page keeps suggesting that I should gift some data btw, but it seems Fizz doesn't actually want me to.

Best Answer


  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,259 ✭✭
    edited August 2023

    Are you sending the data from your month?

    you cannot send rollover data

    your friend changed the privacy setting?

  • kenz
    kenz Posts: 12 ✭✭

    On my page Fizz is suggesting that I can gift data so I assume I can. I'll ask my friend if he has changed his private setting since the last time I gifted him.

  • AK20230110
    AK20230110 Posts: 5,388 ✭✭


    If you have unused data in your account, you can gift it to any member who is findable in the Fizz community (in other words, anyone who is not in Incognito mode), and whose plan includes data.

    What kind of data can you gift?

    You cannot gift:

    -An unlimited feature, such as text, minutes or minutes for international calls


    -Gifted data (no re-gifting allowed!)

    -Data that has already been rolled over

    If in doubt you can always consult with the customer support:

  • Hrair
    Hrair Posts: 33 ✭✭

    i'd say the problem is gifting data that has rolled over. Basically if you already gifted your monthly data subscription, you won't be able to gift the data that has been rolled from the previous months.

    for example you have 2gb data per month. and you are in month 4, that means you have 8gb to spare. but from the 8gb, you can only gift 2gb (so 4 * 0.5gb increments).

    Lets say another person gifted you. That doesn't count as well.

    If the problem is not this, then feel free to contact fizz by chat.

    Try also trying to gift to your friend's referral code and/or phone number.

  • kenz
    kenz Posts: 12 ✭✭

    Thanks. I had my friend check his settings and he clicked something in Privacy and today it worked. I have no idea if it was rollover data, just that I always have far more than I usually use.

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