What about Fizz G point or button

Wallys Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited August 2023 in Break Room

wouldn't be easier if Fizz add a button or an elliptical type of button looking like: ( - G + ) where G from GIFTING is stationary and - or + can be accessed and ANY fizz member can click if NEED DATA with 3 options (500 Mb, 1Gb or M... max you can give) or if you feel generous but dont have time to read REASONS why people need data... just click and give to the avatar you find nice the amount of date requested. When I say click and give... if you do it from your page... FIZZ know what is your referral code, know if you have available or not for your flash moment of generosity and... each avatar on the need data button is know exactly his referral code and ... nobody need to know why, just people in need get it faster and easier EVEN if some will ask for it EVERY DAY... after all is about gifting. Time is money, we are in 5G times going to 6G (China permitted) why should behave like in the Cold War? (THEY need to know who, why... WHEN they already know everything)
