How to know the questions in first time

If you can reply a question in first 5 minutes, you will get 5 points instead of 3 points, but how can we receive the message of new questions in first second?
Best Answer
You have to look at the Activity feed. And by the way, you don’t get 5 points instead of 3 but 3 points plus 5 bonus points for a total of 8 points.
5 plus 3 points ,,,,,,8 points instead of 3 points
under LeaderBoard & Activity ,,,,,,Activity Feed
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Thanks. Where is activity feed?
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That's OK. I just found that below.
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That is. 5+3, 👍🙂
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It’s under the leaderboard if you are on your mobile. Just scroll down you’ll find it 👇
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Yeah. I found it👍 thanks.
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All right! You’re all set!
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Next time I will try get 8 points 😄
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Now when you know that, please and check the Activity feed constantly 🤣.
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Yeah. I'm in. I need 520 points to level 5, I'm hurrying to unlock 3rd slot.😁
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So many kilometers to run 😉
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well waiting to answer in the first 5mins, you are better off answering all the open questions in English and French
in a week you will get your 500 pts
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That's great. I'll try that.
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I'm curious can we see French questions in English version or we need change in French version to see that?
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French site and English site
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You need to change the language
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You've got to be active in the forum and quick answering... you can change the language from english to french to switch to the french forum
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That's nice. Thanks. If I post in English, the post will rest in English or be translated to French in French forum? Or I need post 1 time in English and 1 time in French for the same subject?
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It won’t be translated, if you want to post the same thing in both languages, you need to do it yourself.
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That is, in French forum, I can't see my English posts/answers or vice versa?
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Exactly, sometimes, you will see a French post in the English forum and vice versa but it is a mistake made by the op and usually, the Whizz will transfer the post in the right forum sooner or later.
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Ok I understand. On est au Québec 😁
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Tokébakicitte 😉
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Ça dit quoi en français 😳
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C’est un néologisme qui veut dire: on est au Québec ici… dis-le vite, tu vas catcher… C’est aussi le titre d’une chanson de Jérôme 50, Check ça sur YouTube, c’est excellent!
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D'accord, je vais aller écouter ça. Merci 😁 pour cette petite histoire.
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C'est très Québec Style😂
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You are welcome! By the way, we are not supposed to switch languages in the same post, it’s against the rules and we might get a warning 😬
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Ok. Sorry for that. I didn't know that.
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If I post in French on English forum, this is not permitted either?
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Good to know that
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Same as we speak in English, then comes out French words or vice versa. Sorry Fizz
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If you post in French in the English forum, it’s a mistake, don’t worry about it. What you cannot do is reply in French in a post that was originally made in English or vice versa. And you can’t do it even if the post was posted in the wrong forum. In short, you always reply to a post in the same language as the op posted it.
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Ok understand. Thanks for explanation 👍
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I liked and agreed your answer😅
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Just found that can only like or agree
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Don’t worry about it, that’s ok. I don’t know why but sometimes the op is not able to give the best answer…
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Maybe OP need more AI🤔
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By the way, OP means Original Poster, and in this case, it you! 😂
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Oops, I thought it's OPtimizer 🙄
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Don't worry about it 😂
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Ok thank you 😊. But good to know that for next time 😅
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I guess you managed to reach the Level 5
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Lol still 260 points to run😅
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Keep going 😄
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In fact, the 50 points of one shot bonus seem not calculated in my Fizz account, just show in community🤔
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Thanks. I'm running to reach level 5 😀
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Unfortunately we can not give you any, sorry.
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No problem, I need work hard