Travel Add-On

I was wondering if I buy a travel add-on and get the travel add-on badge will i also get the add-on badge?
Like do they stack or are they seperate complete and I have to buy both to get the two badges?
Best Answer
Hi @ivaylo404
They are 2 different badge, if you buy a travel addon this will count only for the explorer, and if you buy an addon for your normal plan (data/minutes/sms) this will give you the Sundae badge.
So I can't get both just by buying a travel add-on?
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Sorry you can't
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okay i see that's unfortunate
so the minimum i have to perchase for is like 7$ each ?
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Oh btw what level are you?
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Did you manage to get the amigo badge finally?
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I am at the 10th level
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Clap Clap clap!
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Yes thank you very much do you have it btw?
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Holy.. what happens I was always curious can you still get more points like is there a level beyond? Or does it just stop?
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You’re welcome! I already had it…
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Oh okay
Looking like Superman over here saving me 🤣
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How many badges do you have?
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Haha! Don’t exaggerate!!
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As of today 7 but hoping to add more soon!
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Oh I thought you would have more cause you've been active on the Forum for a while
Which ones are you hoping to add soon
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Trust me I'm not😂
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Hero (10 and 25), dinosaur and hunter (10 and maybe 25 someday…)
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I have points without new bonus, but probably Fizz will add some new levels soon
Being ready to that day :P
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I hope that day comes soon for you @Jess_i88b6, you help so many people here, you deserve more perks…
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I enjoy helping people here and in my personal life, and it's always nice when someone recognizes my efforts (although this doesn't happen often, as some people don't even came back and take a minute to acknowledge it).
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Yes I know, but I’m sure that I speak for many here when I say that your work here is very appreciated…
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Oh well good luck you should go for the 25 as well, I almost got it next month I'll be able to get it
it just takes a little time
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Yoooo I hope they add a 2$ off in the future for mobile plan that would be incredible
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Don't make us cry now 😪
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Would like that as well
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That would be so amazing but I don't think they would do it
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Hello everything okay
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Not sure about that
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If in doubt, just listen to what @Jess_i88b6 says!
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Totally agree!