Thank you for trying to help. Unfortunately I tried both of your suggestions and neither worked.
Issue connecting smart TV to the internet
For some reason my smart TV stopped connecting to the internet two days ago. This was never an issue previously and the internet works just fine on every other device. Yesterday I restarted my router and my smart TV was able to connect to the internet for a few hours, but that's it. Now when I restart my router it won't connect.
Why is this happening? And how can I fix it? This is very annoying
Best Answer
Is your TV physically close to your router or a few rooms away?
In disabling band steering as @Mamie suggested, you can have a distinct 2.4 and 5Ghz connections.
Turn on Band Steering with the Hitron CODA-4582 Modem | Rogers Internet
I would setup the connection to the smart TV and IoT devices using 2.4 Ghz as it is more stable and better over long distances (through walls and such).
Also use a wifi analyzer app to measure the channels in use on the nearby (neighbours) wifi connections. Plenty available in IOS and Android app stores.
This sort of app will show what frequencies / channels the nearby wifi connections are using. Find an open space, or one with less overlapping channels and select it as yours in the Fizz router settings to test. There is also an automatic channel setting which lets the router make this choice for you. My Wi-Fi network is cutting out. How do I fix it? | Fizz (see #5)
Fizz - How to change the channels used by my Wi-Fi modem - YouTube
Go into the smart TV settings and forget the wifi network.
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I previously had intermittent problem and I solved it by buying a new router. It solved the problem and provides a better wifi coverage. I bought a netgear.
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I tried that and it did not work.
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I shouldn't have to buy a new router just so my damn TV can connect to the Wifi lol. It was working before.
Thanks for the advice and it's something I will consider in the future. But this is an issue with Fizz.
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Hi Alcira, we are subscribers on this forum and we give some ideas.
I suggest this manipulation in the hope that it corrects the situation in the long term. There are many reasons for disconnection. Maybe you have a new neighbor whose networks are interfering with yours, among other things.
When you reboot the modem/router - if it is the router's DHCP function that distributes IPs to each of your devices, then after a reboot the IP address may have changed. It is good to go to the settings of your TV, to remove the network. Then restart the router again, wait a few minutes for everything to update and reconnect. Go to your TV settings again, and then select the network you want.
If that doesn't solve your problem, you could also disable "band steering" in Fizz's modem/router. A TV connects to band 5 normally. You can do this with the Fizz application or directly in the modem/router interface with a web browser at the address (user: cusadmin / password: the one chosen during installation).
I hope this can help.
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Thank you for trying to help. Unfortunately I tried both of your suggestions and neither worked.
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