Mobile plan + home WIFI combination

Dida5 Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited December 2022 in My Mobile

Hello, I have a home WIFI connection and I would like to know if there is a combination plan: Mobile +Home Internet and what is the price?


Best Answer

  • Olic
    Olic Posts: 820 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    The answer is no. There are no discounts by having more than one service, well, not direcly. Indeed, the My rewards program will accumulate points for both products and will give you faster access to better rewards for each product!


  • Mamie
    Mamie Posts: 1,784 ✭✭


    Hi Dida, we are subscribers to this forum. To answer your question: yes it is possible. See in this page :

    Mix & match your plans from $61/month.

  • Dida5
    Dida5 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Yes, Olic. I have understood that we have to take both plans separately. If we take the lowest ones, we'll end up with 62$ as the lowest mobile is 27$ (with no data) and the lowest Internet is 35$. Right?

    Is there any means to talk to them in order to get more details?

    Sorry, I'm asking a lot of questions as I'm a newcomer and all these things are new for me and I'm looking for the cheapest plans.

  • Olic
    Olic Posts: 820 ✭✭

    Fizz is a 100% virtual service. You normally have to manage on your own, that's why the prices are lower!

    If you really want to talk to them, it's possible to chat with them, but they won't tell you anything more than what's on the site!

    To contact Fizz, go to: , at the bottom, there is a green bubble with a question mark, you can chat with support.

    You can also use :



    Whatsapp: (438) 393-5814

  • Dida5
    Dida5 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Thanks Olic.

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