still 3G during call with new VoLTE SIM

Xian W.
Xian W. Posts: 16 ✭✭

Hi everyone. Got the new VoLTE SIM card yesterday, scanned the QR, activated it, said busy, retried, still busy, so left it. After like 1 hour, phone shows no cellular signal, then switched to new SIM card, restarted the phone, tried a call, but still showing 3G during the call.

Is it suppose to show LTE during the call with new SIM card? if yes, how can I fix.

Thank you.

Best Answer

  • Olic
    Olic Posts: 820 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    VoLTE is not yet active on the Fizz side. They say they want to make it active by the end of the year.

    You will be ready!

    For the 5 X 1gb, they say it will take up to 60 days, in the email that talks about these perks.
