

  • LeeL
    LeeL Posts: 18 ✭✭

    @Roger I.

    no issues with data.

    LTE often in upper right (iPhone) but still very sketchy/hit and miss with calls. I’ve received a few and have yet to be able to make one via cellular. (Can audio/video call via messenger and the like, which, as you point out, relies on good (data) signal strength.

    however, even in LTE mode, I can’t consistently/reliably make or receive calls Very hit and Miss As I said, sitting on the beach, I received a calll 5 min later I tried to make a call and it wouldn’t go through

  • LeeL
    LeeL Posts: 18 ✭✭

    @Roger I. (also noting my frustration with Fizz….waiting until last day to send that unhelpful email!!! And because, like you, I use my # for 2-step authorization, which I need to be able to see/access while in the US)

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited July 2022

    @Roger I.

    If you have LTE, and having trouble with your calls, it's because your calls are 2G or 3G. I-Phone users don't have access to Network Signal Info app, which gives the true status of the connection. And for Android users, the new VoLTE Sim card has a bug and displays 4G in the top status bar when the connection is truly 3G.

    2G GSM and 3G networks are still available in many areas in the USA, and VoLTE is not really available even if you have the new Sim card.

    See my image attached showing 2G GSM network for calls and EGDE 2G for data in north eastern USA.

    This is probably the reason why many Fizz users can still make phone calls in the USA.

  • Carol
    Carol Posts: 8 ✭✭

    I am presently in the US (Hawaii). AT&T here. As predicted, I can't make or receive calls, but so far no problem with texts. So not the best, but at least no problem for 2-Factor Authentication (which was my main concern)

  • Carol
    Carol Posts: 8 ✭✭

    I am in the US presently. Am able to send and receive texts, not calls though

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭


    Does your top status bar network icon show LTE, 4G, 3G, 2G, E, or R?

  • Carol
    Carol Posts: 8 ✭✭
    edited August 2022

    Hi @ah727

    Actually I have news. Crossed the island (so went in and out of dead zones with no service) and when I came back to the small town I am staying in, my phone wasn't picking up any service at all. I turned briefly on airplane mode and by some miracle when i disabled airplane mode, my phone connected to T-Mobile instead of AT&T. With T-mobile I am now able to make and receive calls as well as the texts that I had with AT&T. With both companies the status bar was not showing any icon indicating 3G, 4G or whatever, only the name of the provider.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited August 2022


    Toggling airport mode on and off refreshes the network settings. You can do it everytime you are not satisfied with the network. T-Mobile still has 2G and some 3G networks so it's hard to see if during calls you are on VoLTE or old networks unless you have a network analysis app like Network Signal Info (available on PlayStore, for Android)

    Thanks for letting us know.

  • Carol
    Carol Posts: 8 ✭✭

    @ah727 According to a T-Mobile coverage map - my location would be on their 5G Extended Range network. According to CNET: T-Mobile now has two names for the new wireless technology: Ultra Capacity 5G for its faster midband and millimeter-wave networks, and Extended Range 5G for its low-band network. 

    MARROY Posts: 52 ✭✭

    I’m in Plattsburgh NY today Aug 3rd on a Canada USA coverage plan. Have new VoLTE SIM card installed, shows I’m on AT&T network. Data works, calling out DOESN’T work, nor do incoming calls. Oddly I still received a voicemail and the usual text message from Fizz that someone tried to call and left a voicemail.

    Also received this email from Fizz:

    Welcome to the USA. 

    Be advised, calls and texts are limited in the U.S.

    Since the end of February 2022, our U.S. partners are phasing out the network used for calls and texts. The situation changes every day and only once on site is it possible to see if they are available in a given area. 

    If not, mobile data or Wi-Fi access will allow you to keep in touch using apps such as WhatsApp, Google Duo and Messenger.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭


    VoLTE doesn't work yet. And AT&T has interrupted the 2G and 3G networks that normally allow you to make phone calls. Try connecting to T-Mobile: SETTINGS - CONNECTION - MOBILE NETWORKS search provider and choose T-Mobile. T-Mobile still has 2G network in Plattsburgh. Good luck.

    Otherwise, you can use Skype, Messenger, FaceTime or others to communicate with people.

  • BEBE
    BEBE Posts: 154 ✭✭

    imo all is very easy. unconditional fw to a textnow number, use LTE data and make calls. cheers

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭


    Forwarding to a Textnow number is probably a very good solution, and I really appreciate your recommendation. Unfortunately I graduated a long long time ago, and 15 years ago, many now elderly people installed Microsoft Skype app for long distance calling. I didn't use Skype anymore, but my account is still active. Skype calls are not free, cost only 3.3 cents per minute, and let you call any landphone, and recieve calls if Skype is the default calling app. That said, many elderly people still have older phones and still know Skype, and could still make calls in the USA, even if their phone is not VoLTE.

    MARROY Posts: 52 ✭✭


    Thanks for the manual select network tip.

    connected to T-Mobile and I can place calls now.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭


    Glad you managed to make your calls. The only issue I had with T-Mobile is that with 2G calls also comes 2G EDGE data network, which is VERY VERY SLOW. If you find your web surfing is slow, kick out EDGE by toggling airplane mode on and off (wait about 15 seconds) so you can get back to T-Mobile's 4G LTE.

    MARROY Posts: 52 ✭✭


    Thankfully it went directly to LTE data and stayed that way the rest of the day. I know 2G is horrible, travelled through the Midwestern states in June and often only had 2G available, it was dead slow and I had to toggle airplane mode constantly as I was travelling from place to place.

    MARROY Posts: 52 ✭✭


    Workarounds are great, thanks for the tip. I’ll look at textnow for a future trip.

    My issue is that I have a Canada and USA coverage plan that used to work perfectly and seamlessly and it should still do the same, but Fizz ignored the change in the USA and did f**k all to get things up to date.

  • Alfio
    Alfio Posts: 398 ✭✭

    Just came from from testing VoLTE in Ogdensburg, NY. Only AT&T available there, and therefore no cell phone connection available, at all. I was able to receive and send text messages though. Data coverage is spotty in the area, with some good connection areas and some really mediocre connection that barely allowed me to make a voip call... lots of garbage noise on it unless in good coverage.

    I hear that Fizz knew about this in January but only started acting on this in early summer, and there is still no resolution for this until Fizz fires up the VoLTE on their network I guess. I'll be (patiently) waiting.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited August 2022

    T-Mobile has coverage in Ogdensburg, ny. Try selecting 2G GSM networks only and run a Network search to see if you will connect to T-Mobile

  • BEBE
    BEBE Posts: 154 ✭✭

    if there is 2G available, this will be the best choice for voice

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Okay, I finally made it to Florida.

    Here is the scoop. My phone connected to ATT.

    Data works fine.

    Texts work fine. (I am surprised)

    No voice calls.

    And my phone (Moto Power G 2021) does support VoLTE. It's on the ATT white list.

    If this is not fixed in the next couple of months, well it's time to leave and move on.

    I have US phone, and I also have a Google Voice phone, but I pay for Fizz Can/US and it should work.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited September 2022

    @Roger I.

    Thanks for reporting, it will help other people to prepare adequately.

    No way to connect to T-Mobile for making calls? If you set your Network mode to WCDMA/GSM, will your phone connect to T-Mobile?

    As you probably know, all Skype calls and Google Duo voice calls can be done on 4G LTE networks.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭

    @Roger I.

    Probably an error, unfortunately. Usage restrictions are not really driven by your phone provider. They are mobile industry restrictions. I remember a prior provider suggested me tricks on how to "cheat" so I could comply with these restrictions.

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    After looking around I have decided to switch to Videotron. They do a CAN/US plan and it looks like they support VoLTE. Anyone have any experience with Videotron in the US?

    It's funny, Fizz uses the Videotron network and Videotron supports VoLTE. So I am confused why Fizz does not. Unless it's being done on purpose.

    Anyway, Bye to all, I am off to Videotron. There is no point paying for a CAN/US plan that does not work, no matter how cheap it is.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭

    @Roger I.

    My girlfriend is with Videotron with her LG K61 phone, and she can make VoLTE calls in Quebec. When I put her Videotron SIM card in my Samsung A52 5G, I can also make VoLTE phone calls. I think VoLTE calls with Videotron will work in the USA.

    I'm staying with Fizz because it's still cheaper, and I feel I can manage the VoLTE launch delay. I'll let everyone know how it goes next January.

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Great, thanks for that information. I would also stay with Fizz, if I thought that they were working on a solution, or we had a timeline, or they gave a s**t But none of these are true.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited September 2022

    @Roger I.

    Pour info, témoignage sur Facebook d'un abonné Vidéotron en Floride. Mais j'ignore le prix du forfait.

    "Nous avons ce forfait et nous avons passé tout le mois d août en floride et nous n'avons jamais eu de problème nul part. Par contre nous avons deux cellulaires qui prenne en charge la 4G et la 5G. C'est ce qui est demandé maintenant aux USA.

    LA SEUL PLACE OU NOUS AVONS PERDU LE SIGNAL EST DANS LE NORD DE L ÉTAT DE NEW YORK car pas d antenne à certain place. Vous devez juste avoir un cellulaire qui la VOLTE."