I need 20 go for the next two weeks. Is there a discount?

IsadoraV Posts: 7 ✭✭
edited March 2022 in My Mobile

Hey there!

So here's the thing. I just got a new remote job and my internet at home is too awful to be used. I live in a place where internet speed barely reaches 4mpbs download, and 0.8mpbs upload.

I basicly need about 2.5 go of data per day (and I still have 8 days, so about 20go of data that i'll use to work remotely). After these 8 days, I'll be moving to a new house with high speed internet.

My issue is that my payment cycle ended two days ago, so i can't change my plan until next month (which won't be necessary by then). It seems like my only option is the adds on which are quite expensive (20$ for 2go, so about 200$ total for 8 days at 2 go per day).

Does anyone have a magic solution? I am out of ideas and i heard this community was amazing!


Best Answer

  • Lou_P
    Lou_P Posts: 6 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey IsadoraV ! I agree with SquikyBird, you would be surprised by how generous people are. I can give you a head start with 10 Go if you want, just give me your code and I'll send it to you :)

    As Emporium said, you could also consider working in a coffee some days when your schedule allows it.

    Good luck !


  • SquikyBird
    SquikyBird Posts: 1,614 ✭✭

    Maybe check for people who have data to give. You can have a bunch for free.

  • Emporium
    Emporium Posts: 2,305 ✭✭

    With restrictions being lifted, you can go grab a coffee at your local café (or Starbucks, Tim's, or even McD), grab a table and use their Wifi :) Pretty sure most of their WiFi is better than that in most cases.

    This past week, I was at the Glenn hospital for a followup, and while waiting, I had one of my Teams meetings over their public free Wifi. I connected to my free Windscribe VPN (50GB monthly quota - plenty for these cases), and then logged into to my Teams account and it worked perfectly fine even with Video on by all 10 of us on the meeting.

    I know 4mpbs is not ideal, but for a limited time, it is not too bad. I have a few colleagues that are out in rural areas and old 5/1mbps DSL is all they have for now (so about the same as what you have), and it works "ok". OK, you are not going to want to download a 20GB zip file over those lines (unless you do it overnight), but it is useable.

    But like SquikyBird mentioned you can try posting a request in the "data gifting" sections and see how much free data you can get. Try in both the English and French sections of the Forum.

  • Clive_ref_code_73TF9

    Hello @IsadoraV, Fizz mobile data speeds are not significantly faster than your current home Internet. Look at Fizz Internet as a better option.

  • IsadoraV
    IsadoraV Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Oh wow thatd be so generous!! Yes wow, my referral code is AXNE9

  • IsadoraV
    IsadoraV Posts: 7 ✭✭

    That's great information, thank you so much! I'll try it out yes!

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