I have some Data to gift. Leave me your code.

Anyone needing some data please leave me your code.
Hello @ClaraV, thanks for the offer to gift your surplus data, my code is 73TF9.
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Thanks need some 8DCXA
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I just sent you 1g data. Hope this helps!
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Hello, not sure if your offer is still available, but here's my code just in case: UBXPM
Have a good day!
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Data gifting is cool from you.
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I just sent you 1 gig. Hope this helps!
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Helloo i dont know if you still have any left but i would itll be great if you can send me heres my refferal code: JDMKY
Thanksss! :)
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Hello! If you have still data available, I have none left until next month, thank you!
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I could use some if you still have... thank you in advance.
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@Dantezaur data sent
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@Nick3030 data sent
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Thank you, you are a life savior
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I would need some also if you still got some spare :) Thanks ! C6VIH
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J'en nais vraiment besion svp
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@Sebastien1992 date sent
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Merci beaucoup c grandement apprecier 😊😇
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If you happen to have any data to spare, it would be very much appreciated
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6K4I3 is my code! Thank you!
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Thanks you !
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@d4dahlia ...........
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@ZakariaFaizi2 data Sand
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Thanks @sebastienh
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Thank you. BRBVL
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Very kind of you, thank you
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Yup, same here. In order to receive data gifts you should have at least a minimum data plan of 1Gb.
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I would love some please if you still have some to spare! Thank you so much, this is so generous :)
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Man, I need to find some more recent posts lol
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Yes, you’re too late again
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7HJAZ im leaving soon for a competition, i really need them:)
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I don't know if I can still receive them since I switched to a no data plan. However it will start next month so lets try it! Thank you!
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if you are still on the ancient plan yes you can but you’re a bit late!
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Oh well... I tried
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Eheh thanks : )
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Good luck!!
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Thanks for sharing. DG1NA
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I think you’re a bit late!
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my referral code is WSZ1M
Thank you so much
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Hi, I am running out of data. I would really appreciate if someone could send me some left they have.
My code is : 8A1KR
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You can try here too : https://www.facebook.com/groups/partagededonnees
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Im still unsure how this works, but I would appreciate anything people can offer. I will add more data to my plan this month... Ill pay this forward regardless.
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my referral code is WSZ1M
thanks a lot!
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Good luck!!