Visual Voicemail a security threat?

DaveN Posts: 3 ✭✭

Yesterday, my Android phone put up a warning that Visual Vociemail appears to be infected and advising that I uninstall it, which I did. I've been very happy with Visual Voicemail and sorry to see it go. Any idea why my phone decided it is infected? I've been using it for months without getting this message. This is a screen shot showing the message:


  • Fling
    Fling Posts: 9,258 ✭✭
    edited December 2021

    Hi DaveN,

    Mayby it's a good idea to tell that to Fizz and save a lot a Fizz users the same problem

    To Chat with Fizz support:

    ·        Connect to your Fizz account by clicking « Login » in the top right corner 

    ·        Follow the link on this page: 

    ·        Wait 3 seconds for the green bubble with a '?' appears at the bottom right of the browser, if you use a phone you must use it in desktop or horizontal mode

    ·        Choose the option 💬 chat

    If the green bubble does not appear make sure your ad blocker is disabled, otherwise try with another browser like Firefox edge or a private one.

    Other means of contact

    ·        Whatsapp: (438) 393-5814

    ·        By private message on Twitter:

    ·        By private message on Facebook:

    CHAT however is the only effective and quickest method

  • DaveN
    DaveN Posts: 3 ✭✭

    I'd be happy to do that, but when I follow those instructions, nothing happens. I have the question mark and when I click on that, I get 4 options, one of which is Chat. I click on Chat and nothing happens.

  • Philemon24
    Philemon24 Posts: 1,340 ✭✭

    If the ❔ is not visible or does nothing, make sure…

    • try in incognito/private mode
    • to try with a different browser, Chrome and Edge are known to work relatively well with Fizz
    • to try on another device (mobile, laptop, tablet)
    • you really are on a FAQ page e.g.
    • you scroll through the page and after 10-15 seconds the ❔ bubble will appear in the bottom right corner of the page.
    • you are really logged in with your account:
      1. Disconnect explicitly using "►Log out" in the left menu
      2. close any Fizz tab
      3. clear your cookies
      4. reconnect.
    • no browser extension blocks its appearance (ad blocker or plugins like "NoScript").
    • JavaScript is enabled
    • no VPN disables the rendering, some have ad blockers
    • to empty your cache

    As for your problem, you picked it from the official place? i.e.

    Otherwise it may be a false positive with Huawei detection system which Fizz should be made aware of. Googling this error gave a a lot of similar results with an app named Allo.

  • Hello, another method to contact Fizz Customer Support is via the Contact Form in My Settings. This method allows you to include a screenshot of the error message you see. I don't have visual VM so cannot comment on any apps other than apps sometimes have bugs or more and more people are seeing errors show up from apps that require excessive permissions just as a means to unnecessarily collect user data.

  • Yann D. #22965
    Yann D. #22965 Posts: 219 ✭✭

    Personnally, I would have ignored that notification...

  • MarcVivian
    MarcVivian Posts: 120 ✭✭

    Thank you!

  • DaveN
    DaveN Posts: 3 ✭✭

    @Yann D. #22965 I hope you're right, becasue that's what I did after re-installing it.

    @Clive I have contacted the app developer using the listed support email address ( listed in the app store listing. If anything interesting comes of that, I'll post here.