
Raffi Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited December 2021 in My Mobile

Hi there I’m traveling to Lebanon and i want to use my data over there , how i can do that?

Best Answer

  • Emporium
    Emporium Posts: 2,303 ✭✭
    edited December 2021 Answer ✓

    Hi @Raffi

    Not sure you are going to want to do that. First of all, you can't use your default data anywhere outside of Canada/US. For any travel outside of your coverage region you typically need to buy a travel addon:

    For some countries (where there are agreements) you can buy blocks of data (like 1GB for $5, etc.. and blocks of text messages also). But not all countries have reasonable rates. Lebanon has no blocks of data to be able to purchase. You need to put money in your "wallet" and you get charged per usage. But if you look below, (taken from page linked abover) you will see that Lebanon is crazy expensive at $8/MB, and $0.30/SMS. You are probably better off trying to pick up a local SIM card, would would cost you only a small fraction of that.

    Looks like Fizz is not the only one with such high rates. Seems like Lebanon has some of the highest cell phone rates (yes even higher than Canada - whcih I never thought possible :) )

    Have a safe trip, and be safe.

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