What happens if I "Remove" an upgrade?

swansong Posts: 17 ✭✭

I have an upgrade that has been applied. When I look at the details, I note there is a button to "Remove" the upgrade. What does this option actually do? Does it merely clean up the user interface (so that the applied upgrade is no longer shown, but is still active), or does it inactivate the upgrade (if so, is the upgrade saved so it can be re-applied, or is it gone forever?)

Best Answer

  • PF_Ref_D2U9A
    PF_Ref_D2U9A Posts: 6,996 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Yes this is correct way to replace or swap an upgrade in one action.

    Let's say you have a 250 MB upgrade already in use that you want to replace with a recently acquired 500 MB upgrade.

    Step 1 - Click on the unused 500 MB upgrade to start the process.

    Step 2 - Now the slots that you have available will begin to "shake". Click on the 250 MB that you want to replace or swap with the new one.

    Step 3 - Confirm the transaction. This change will be effective at your next renewal.

    Although we are permitted to remove an upgrade, there is no reason to do this. As mentioned, the slot becomes unusable and we have to wait a full month before we can apply another upgrade to the same slot.


  • Philemon24
    Philemon24 Posts: 1,340 ✭✭

    Hello @swansong

    Never remove an upgrade.

    Only apply a desired unactivated upgrade from the bottom tray.

    The reason is you are only allow one change per slot per cycle. Deactivating will be considered a move thus not allowing you to activate something else in that same slot.

    You won't loose upgrades; those not active or unactivated will stay or be put back in the tray.

  • swansong
    swansong Posts: 17 ✭✭

    So to clarify, if I had multiple unused/inactivated upgrades, and all my "upgrade slots" were in use, I could replace an existing one by applying an unused one, and this would count as one action on the slot.

  • Deh
    Deh Posts: 659 ✭✭

    That's how I understand it too

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