Phone number

Daw Posts: 6 ✭✭

I moved to Ottawa froM Montreal. Should I change my phone number??


  • Dapfizzer
    Dapfizzer Posts: 10,182 ✭✭



    you don't need to, but it's up to you!

    PLTCYR Posts: 26 ✭✭


    No, it’s not required. But, don’t forget to update your personnal information.

    How-to ?

  • Daw
    Daw Posts: 6 ✭✭

    @PLTCYR so no need to go from 514 to 613?

    PLTCYR Posts: 26 ✭✭

    Exact ! :) Cell telephone numbers are not forced to the same bonds and restrictions as the Fillaire. You have the chance to keep your current number. However, people who will call you will be billed in long distance if you are elsewhere of your original long distance zone, even if your number has not changed (the cellular allows you to situate and inform your provider of the actual long distance zone in which you are).

    PLTCYR Posts: 26 ✭✭

    And, sorry for my English, I speak French (and I’m practicing an other here hihi)

  • Daw
    Daw Posts: 6 ✭✭

    @PLTCYR thank you very much!Don’t worry 😆 I speak French too.

    Is there anything I can do that will allow people to call me without paying extra fees?

    I don’t want to change my phone number. ☹️

    PLTCYR Posts: 26 ✭✭
    edited September 2021

    Oui, en les appelant vous même ou demandez leur de vous envoyer un texto afin que vous puissiez les rappeler vous même pour leurs éviter des frais :) FIZZ inclus les interurbains partout au Canada si dans « modifier votre forfait » vous possédez la couverture Canada. Pour modifier votre forfait, cliquez sur « manage plan » ici :

    Si c’est vous qui placez l’appel, aucune charge pour eux. Par contre, si eux souhaitent obtenir une couverture interurbaine, ce seront à eux de contacter leurs fournisseurs actuels puisque cela dépend du forfait (toujours) de l’appelant.

    Yes, calling them even or ask them to send you a text before so that you can call them after to avoid fees :) Fizz included long distance from Canada if in "Edit your package" you own Coverage Canada. To modify your package, click on "Manage Plan" here:

    If it's you who place the call, no charge for them. On the other hand, if they wish to get interurban coverage, it will be up to them to contact their current suppliers since it depends on the caller's (always) package.

  • Daw
    Daw Posts: 6 ✭✭

    @PLTCYR merci beaucoup!

    PLTCYR Posts: 26 ✭✭

    Par contre si des gens d’Ottawa vous appel sur votre numéro et que vous vous trouvez vous aussi à Ottawa, ils n’auront pas de charge mais devront tout de même faire le 1 avant votre indicatif régional.

    On the other hand if people from Ottawa call you on your number and you are also in Ottawa, they will have no charge but will still have to do the 1 before your regional code.

  • Daw
    Daw Posts: 6 ✭✭

    That’s interesting!

    thank you☺️

    PLTCYR Posts: 26 ✭✭

    You’re welcome!

    Don’t hesitate if you need some anything else.

    Have a great day!

  • Daw
    Daw Posts: 6 ✭✭

    Same to you!

  • MathLaj
    MathLaj Posts: 22 ✭✭

    You can change it if you want, the pros is you're gonna have a local number for people from Montreal to call you... but then all your friends in Ottawa will be long-distance.

    I actually never use regular phone calls (I don't even have any minutes in my plan) as I always use Messenger or Facetime calls. For the very rare occasion that I need to call, I always keep a few dollars in my Fizz wallet to make or receive it.

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