Problems with modem accessing the internet

Foxfleur Posts: 20 ✭✭

I use my modem in bridge mode. My wifi router works great, but lately when my laptop or smart tv wake up from being asleep, the "gate" for me to access the internet is closed. Like, my devices detect that they are connected to the router/modem but the modem is refusing access to the internet. My laptop is on wifi and my tv is a wired connection, and it happens to both. My phone usually seamlessly transitions from data to wifi when I am at home. I heard that this could be caused by the new firmware update for the modem, is this the cause and how can I fix it? I have re-started the modem already and it didn't make much difference. The coax is in the same condition it was before all this was an issue.

Best Answer

  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,790 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Foxfleur did you already try to reset the modem to the factory configuration and put it back in bridge mode?


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,790 ✭✭

    @Foxfleur Did you try to connect the laptop directly to the modem?

  • telmorrr
    telmorrr Posts: 89 ✭✭

    Thanks for the information!

  • Kevin P. #2908
    Kevin P. #2908 Posts: 110 ✭✭

    I suspect the problem is the configuration in your router. You have nothing else to do in the modem except to put it in bridge mode.

  • Foxfleur
    Foxfleur Posts: 20 ✭✭

    It is in bridge mode.

  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,790 ✭✭

    @Foxfleur If you are using in bridge mode you need to use your own modem otherwise the NAT will not work as expected

  • Foxfleur
    Foxfleur Posts: 20 ✭✭

    @Mike I haven't because the placement of my router (a high shelf in my living room) doesn't allow for that. I need to be able to use my laptop in another room of the house. I guess I could try connecting the laptop in order to re-set the modem while it's in bridge mode? Do you have any advice on what I should do once my laptop is connected to the modem so that it allows the router to access the Internet?

  • Foxfleur
    Foxfleur Posts: 20 ✭✭

    @Mike Do you mean the modem provided by Fizz just won't work in bridge mode? It worked fine for almost a year, this is a new development.

  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,790 ✭✭

    @Foxfleur If you are using your router you did the right thing, sorry I missed that point

    Did you checked the led status, on the modem, when this happen?

  • Foxfleur
    Foxfleur Posts: 20 ✭✭

    Yeah the LEDs all look normal for a modem in bridge mode:

  • Foxfleur
    Foxfleur Posts: 20 ✭✭

    It's like my router is asking the modem permission to access the Internet and the modem is saying "no". It's been doing the same thing to my hard-wired Smart TV & PS4, it takes a couple of minutes for them to connect on startup when it used to be seamless, this has only been happening since July. I've had Fizz internet since December 2019 and been using this wireless router with it since December 2020. All of the issues are new. It started with me needing to re-connect the router from scratch every time there was a power cut & the modem would turn off. I'd have to disconnect & re-connect the ethernet cables but it would work eventually. Then the other connectivity issues happened. Today, a breaker was tripped and now I cannot get the modem to allow internet acces for the router no matter what I do.

  • gogoer
    gogoer Posts: 58 ✭✭

    I asked same question before, the following answer is:

    "Thats normal when you set your router to bridge mode, all options are disabled and there is no access any more. If you want to have access again you need to disable bridge mode by resetting the router to factory settings(it's the only way).

    Normally you enable bridge mode if you are using your own router (fizz router become a simple modem and you configure you router however you want)."

  • Foxfleur
    Foxfleur Posts: 20 ✭✭

    Finally fixed it by putting everything (modem & router) to factory settings & re-configuring from scratch as a last resort. Pain in my butt and took ages but at least it worked. If it happens again I'll slowly escalate by re-setting the router only first, then see if it's necessary to do the same with the modem. Hope I don't have to, though. So annoying.

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