I have too much data help

Maxime_B Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited March 2024 in Data Gifting

I have accidentally bought the 3G option for a whole month when I am barely able to use 0.5 in the whole month, will probably end up giving it to some of yall. I’d just need to be indicated how to share a bit of it now.

furthermore, i’d like to know how data rollback works, since i now have 5G. Does the 3G of this month also have a 60 day limit or is that only for the 2.5G I have? Like when the 2.5G I already had will be spent, will I then have 60 days starting from then only to finish using said data or will be like 59 days for the 3G and 29 days for the 2.5G?


  • Melanie B. #37370
    Melanie B. #37370 Posts: 98 ✭✭
    edited June 2021

    You can see how many Days left to activate your 5G when you go in your rewards section and when it's activated, you have 30 days to use it.

    If you want to share some Data, i would be interested. It works with referal code.

  • Yannick
    Yannick Posts: 11 ✭✭

    Hi @Melanie B. #37370 .

    I might have 1Go to share if you are interested. You need to add me with the reference code. I will be able to transfer it after that !

    7F3HC is my reference code.

  • Pascal L. 40582
    Pascal L. 40582 Posts: 649 ✭✭

    Rest assured @Maxime_B you have time to use your data.

    Data you purchased in your plan is automatically rolled over to the following 2 months. So data you bought is good for 90 days if you did not already use it.

    So next month, you could change your data plan to have no data since you should have the extra data rolled over. AND you also have the data perks received.

    Data perks can be used for any mobile plan (even without active data plans).

    The data perks you received have an expiry for you to start using. BUT you will then have 30 days after you activate them to use that data.

    So which data to use first? Simple: Fizz takes the data that will expire first (regardless when you activated or purchased it).

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