Daily cuts in home internet

For the past few weeks I had weekly 20min-1h cuts in my internet (I work from home so it's pretty bothersome). Fizz sent me some Videotron technicians twice. The first one did nothing except check what was happening and the second one changed a part of the coax. cable. Their guess was electrical interference since the coax. cable goes through the electrical room (a lot of foresight there...!). However, for the past 3-4 days I've been having daily cuts in my internet (5 to 10 mins each time).
The cut happens on cabled internet via a (pretty much brand new) cat 6 ethernet cable as well as both wifi channels (2.4, 5). and the hour never seems the same (which I guess somewhat discredits the electrical interference hypothesis as my cuts don't really happen on peak hours of electrical uses (say in the range of 8 to 11 o' clock)).
For Tech support people, I had a cut on June 22nd at 9:23 PM and June 23rd at ~10:55 PM.
I do not know what to do at this point. I've tried every troubleshooting step available on Fizz's site or basically anything that can be done on my end that I can think of.\
Do you guys have any suggestions/comments ?
If there is a lack of detail in an area, don't hesitate to ask.
Best Answer
It's all about searching for ideas and eventually we put the finger in it!
I would think it's your modem that's giving you "free games" :-)
The technicians are Vidéotron and they are hired to address the infrastructure. Inside the house, especially troubleshooting (often repurposed or refurbished) modems is not their cut of tea.
Contact the Fizz support and insist for a modem change. The technician will knock on your door, give you a new one, wait for the old and move to his next work order !
During these interruptions, does the fizz modem have all lights displayed (including the data in and data out for the internet?
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Yes, I forgot to say this. They are usually all lit up with the Out and In lights being Light blue / Blue. Although tonight (June 23rd), they were only Green, indicating access only to the local net iirc.
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If Fizz modem lights all OK during these cuts, then the issue would be on the inside of the network. Possibly the fizz modern/router faulty, or ethernet cable faults (seen this where my cat6 had a staple through it and intermittently shorted my AP).
I once had a faulty switch... That could cause cuts.
Other possibilities could be wifi interference (especially on 2.4ghz), such as microwave or other appliances.
Do hear cuts affect both wifi and cables ethernet connections?
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Have you played around with MAC addresses assignment in the router where you could have conflicting MAC adresses creating endless loops? Same with IP assignments.
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The cable isn't busted (I made sure). As stated in the original post, the issue happens on both Wi-Fi and cabled. If it were an appliance problem, it would happen every time said appliance ran I assume, which isn't the case during peak hours where most appliances are in use. My last guess is the modem, but with two technicians that came over, none of them offered to replace it.
I don't mean to disregard all of what you're saying, but I've found a counter argument to every thing I've turned in my head for the past 2 months including what you said. ;-)
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I haven't no. The most "irregular" thing I've done is put my RasPi in the DMZ and assign it a static IP. The rest is pretty much default (exception being of port forwarding).
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Alright, I'll do that. I get the troubleshooting part, I've done enough level 1 tech support in my undergrad studies for the rest of my life haha ! Thanks for the your time and your help ! At least the thread will remain here for the sake of documentation and future gene