Temporary price drop $50 for 120 Mbps internet plan (valid for early summer 2021)

Fizzy Posts: 12,176 ✭✭


As PsykoB found today here, there's a new (temporary) price drop for the 120 Mbps / 20 Mbps internet plan.

For a limited time, this plan is $50 (at the same price as the 60 Mpbs / 10 Mbps plan).

If you are on the fence about getting Fizz internet or upgrading your plan, this a hard to beat price for the 120 Mbps plan.

It's also perfect for the upcoming moving season, where people may be looking to change providers.

To find out if you are eligible for Fizz home Internet, you can go here to simulate a registration: https://fizz.ca/en/internet

Select your plan and enter your address. If you are eligible, you can enter your payment information and select an installation date.

On the installation date, the technician will bring the Fizz modem and hook up the cabling into your home. You can consult the overall Fizz guide here: https://fizz.ca/en/internet/how-it-works

Here are the self installation instructions from Fizz: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-install-my-wi-fi-modem. Mostly, you unwrap the modem, plug in 2 or 3 cables, turn on the modem and wait for it to complete the update, then enjoy your home internet!

If you have any questions regarding your specific address, Fizz customer service is available here:



BTW if you're a new customer, be sure to use a referral code to receive your $25 credit from Fizz.

If you need a referral code, there is a list here:


You can choose mine or the code of someone who has helped you. =)

To be transparent, both parties will receive the bonus credit once you have paid your second bill.

Best Answer


  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,176 ✭✭

    Cool! I had given up on this post, but it finally got released from moderation today.

    Better late than never...

    The $50 offer for the 120 Mbps internet plan is available to new and existing customers up until July 15th 2021.

    Definitely a good buy! You can "lock-in" your plan at this price while it's available.

    "(1) This limited-time offer is valid until July 15, 2021, inclusively.If you change your plan, Fizz cannot guarantee that the plan and price you enjoy now will still be offered."

  • Dgjf
    Dgjf Posts: 3,118 ✭✭

    Nice if you to share. Its sad for the moderation but its now here. I already take advantage of this really nice offert but i hope many will do it when they see this post.

  • Kontrador
    Kontrador Posts: 453 ✭✭

    That's what I call a great offer. I believe these kind of prices will become the norm in the near future because we are overpaying for internet in Canada compared to the rest of the world.

  • ColinCreado
    ColinCreado Posts: 136 ✭✭

    does this work for people who pay $50 for the 60mbs? if i upgrade i will awlays have 120mbs?

  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,176 ✭✭

    Yes if 120 Mbps is available for your home and you upgrade by July 15th 2021 (and as always, at least 2 days before your renewal date), you will "lock-in" at the $50 monthly price.

  • vanigh
    vanigh Posts: 328 ✭✭

    Will this $50 stay after the special offer expires in July 15? or come September it will go back to $60?

    Here are some worrying news for us consumers.

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  • StefanM
    StefanM Posts: 1,453 ✭✭

    That's great! If I didn't have the Beta internet pricing, I would make the switch.

    Whoever wants to make the switch and already has the 120Mbs plan: Switch to a different plan, confirm and then switch back to the 120 plan manually otherwise the system will give you an error message (at least it did for a some customers in the past).

  • Raf
    Raf Posts: 1 ✭✭

    If I already have the 120Mb but with the full price can I change to have the promotional price?

  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,176 ✭✭

    Sure you can, as long as you submit your plan change at least 48 hours prior to your renewal date.

    Fizz has modified the change plan procedure to allow us to change to the same plan speed that we have now and get the new updated pricing in one fell swoop.

    At first, Fizz didn't allow a plan change to the same plan speed, so we had to make this change in 2 steps.

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