Moving up the ladder?

What is the optimal and most efficient way to move up the ladder on forum? From apprentice 1 to 2, to 3, etc? I don't seem to get the idea behind it. I understand how you can get points, but how can you get upgraded?!
Best Answer
If its just about the apprentice just wait you will get a level by month.
If you talk abour level on the fizz reward program :
Go back in time on the old forum :p
Seriously just act on the forum i made between 100 and 300points per day (so about 150).
Plus my plan give my 600 points per month
An buying my phone 1800
Thanks! Yeah I'm talking about apprentice level. Any way to speed it up and not to wait one month?
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I dont think so im guru level 4 (so many best answer) but only apprendice 3/5 because im a Fizz member since 3 months. My action dont seem to change it at all and i think its the same for all member.
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Hmmm... ok, but I guess "best answer" does help to achieve your objectives ;)
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There is a difference between level in forum and level in your Fizz account. The levels in the forum doesn't really matter. They are not important.
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Yes the best answer help me achieve my objective on the Fizz reward program but, like gacor said, dont do mutch for the forum level.
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You just need to wait
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@JuanPa The algorithm is secret but based on 3 actions
The allocation of our Geek badges is based on a secret algorithm, devised to prevent people from gaming the community. But ultimately, the following will increase your chances:
• Posting helpful contributions.
• Any reply you post to help others who need assistance or direction.
• The frequency of your activity on the Community Hub.
I got from Big Geek 1/5 (and probably lower) to Supreme Geek 2/5 in a month but was extremely active in March.
But those points don't matter, just like in "Whose line is it anyways".
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Its seem weird to me so far my Apprentice go up by one each month. I hope after i will have a boost like you :)
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I believe your forum account's scoring suffered from the display bug a while ago that prevented you from seeing the "LeaderBoard & Activity" panel for a few weeks. Maybe you should be higher already.
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Time. The longer you are active in the community, the higher up you climb the ladder.