How do points work with the new forum?

I have not used the forum in a little bit and I am trying to get my level 5. How do we earn points on the new forum?
Best Answers
La politique du programme Mes Récompenses ne précise pas combien de points, seulement les actions qui en donne. J'y ajoute nos observations:
Actions sur la Foire aux discussions qui contribuent à la progression Mes récompenses.
►Répondre (3pts)
►Bonus mensuel activé (pas pu observer)
►Obtenir “Solution acceptée” (lire LA meilleure réponse) (50pts) (sauf dans le 5à7)
►Recevoir un badge Geek (à déterminer)
Pour les niveaux vous pouvez obtenir des points ailleurs que dans le forum:
- payer son forfait: chaque $ dépensé donne 10pts
- acheter un appareil mobile: chaque $ dépensé donne 3pts
- parrainnage: 100pts à l'activation du parrainé, 200pts lorsque le parrainé paie sa 2e facture
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Unfortunately I believe this is exactly what Fizz is trying to avoid: Members coming to the forum just to earn points.
The purpose of the forum is to help each other. If you are willing or eager to offer help, then the points earned are a bonus.
Oops I did it again 😅 🤭 Thanks DGjf
Here's another version then:
The Policy of the My Rewards program does not specify how many points, only the actions that give them. I add our observations:
Community Hub actions that contribute to your My Rewards progression
►Replying (3pts)
►Monthly bonus activated (not observed)
►Earn “Accepted solution” (read get THE single best answer) (50pts) (except in the "breakroom")
►Receive a Geek badge (to be determined)
For the Fizz levels you can also get points elsewhere than in the forum:
- pay your plans: each $ spent gives 10pts
- buy a mobile device: each $ spent gives 3pts
- sponsorship: 100pts when the sponsored person is activated, 200pts when the sponsored person pays their 2nd invoice
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seems Pretty easy!
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Except that is not. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get to level 5.Best of luck!
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With time, you'll get there by simply paying for plans bills. Not gonna lie: it is indeed slow. But will always progress over months. You can consider the rest of the rewarding Hub actions as extra.
If you're looking for better rewards, it's more profitable to have your referral code used than anything else (and you get points too).
The official announcement mentioned that new ways to make points will come "soon":
there will be other initiatives we will introduce in the near future in offering new ways to earn points towards your Fizz loyalty program – stay tuned
We're all eager about that.
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Just to confirm: the monthly bonus is 50pts
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Interesting, I didn't get a monthly bonus although I was pretty active last month. Do we know what the criterion is?
Edit: I did get it. Sorry
Most of the people here, gave very good answer. It for sure takes way longer than it used to be. Especially because Kudos don't count anymore.
I still think they should raise the points for answers from 3 to 5. 🤷
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ITs take more time than before but its not so mutch work either juste pass on the forum 2-3 time a days for 10-15 minutes and you will go to level 5 in no time :)
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I think fizz needs to make it clear what bonus points are awarded for!
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Mmmmm... there is a finite number of bonuses anyway, so I don’t really see the point of withholding this information...
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Like Kizzy sad the forum is , in sort, the support level 1 so i dont think Fizz want people here for the point but for the help.
The point system is like a christmas its better if you dont know your gift :)
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Me too I think fizz needs to make it clear what bonus points are awarded for
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Thérèse a lot of ways to earn points
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Thanks for these informations...
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by replying to posts like this!
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Hope people don’t answer questions only because they want some rewards.
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Good day !
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I post, I get 3 points. I'm happy.
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But I post often like Yourboi
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So I get more points
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Like him because he just wants
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To get a lot more perks than
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the rest of us.
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Have a great
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day and Yourboi
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Thanks everyone for your answers
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Have a good day Kevin P
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Where do we see how many points are awarded? I don't know that I get the monthly paid points
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And lol @Kevin P. #2908
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You can see in the activity feed the points you get, but for the monthly with $$$, I do not think there is any log
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answer often!
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This thread was so useful, thanks for posting the question! :)
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Looks like there are many users here looking to get points ;)
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Thanks! Any more details?
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Yup, where do I see where my points comes from? Any history somewhere?
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Exactly what I wonder too. Thanks everyone.
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No full history.
For the day, you can have the FORUM's history (which participate partially to the My Rewards program, rules are more complex than that):
And to some extent, in your account you have badges that express some milestones but without showing the points you got for them...
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So no more points for liking posts ?
IIRC we used to get one point up to 10 a day for liking posts
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I must say that I found this to be very helpful. Thank you.
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Is there a table with perks for each level?