Why double payment?

I received an error message asking me to update my payment details. When I go to my bank account I see that the payment went through, but it went through twice.
Could you kindly clarify? I have noticed that other customers have been experiencing the same issue.

Best Answer


  • Dgjf
    Dgjf Posts: 3,118 ✭✭
    Fizz seem to have a problem with payement this morning. The support should be full of call. Im sorry but you should wait and retry the support but im sure the team is aware of the problem. Have a nice day :)
    Here more info : https://community.fizz.ca/questions/2618237-charged-twice-psa

    So i think you should wait a bit the problem is under investigation :)
  • Mestapha
    Mestapha Posts: 160 ✭✭
    Hi Melanie,
    The same issue happens to other today..... Hope everything will be ok soon!
    If you have this same type of problem, please do not contact technical support. Wait a few days and everything should be back to normal. If the problem persists.
    Contact them at this time!
  • oberon
    oberon Posts: 91 ✭✭
    Yes many customers are experiencing issues with February payments.
  • Jean B. 15359
    Jean B. 15359 Posts: 253 ✭✭
    Yes a lot of people have the same issue. They will probably fix this for everyone.
  • Kariann
    Kariann Posts: 98 ✭✭
    Fizz have some trouble with the payment. Please don't contact them about it. They are working on it. If the problem is still there after couples of days, contact them!
    Good luck and have a nice day! :)