Privacy concerns with gifting data?

Fizzy Posts: 11,547 ✭✭
This is follow-up to Sylvain's post:
The post was closed before I could add some comments.

Sylvain wrote:
"I really love the gifting feature with Fizz. But I have to admit that I'm concern with privacy. I am not sure that everyone is comfortable giving cell number or email to strangers (even if we are all part of the big Fizz family). Do you think that it would be a good idea if Fizz was providing us a generated identifier to identify our account (something like FHF674GJ55JKF77 ) ? We could display that code even on community hub without being concern about privacy. I believe that it would greatly increase gifting. Please reply and let me know what you think or provide other ideas."


This discussion has been closed.