trying to use my phone number? Fraud?

Receiving calls from Rogers: someone is trying to transfer my account Without consent: how to stop or block them?


  • George S. #20091
    George S. #20091 Posts: 639 ✭✭
    Contact rogers to understand whats happening
  • Stanley M.
    Stanley M. Posts: 279 ✭✭
    Cntact Rogers to advise them of the problem to prevent someone from accesing your info.
  • SuperFizzeur
    SuperFizzeur Posts: 3,767 ✭✭
    Hi Contact directly Fizz.
    And contact anti-fraud center, equifax, transunion and your credit card company to add notes to your credit folder.
    Have a nice day
  • Kurt V.
    Kurt V. Posts: 353 ✭✭
    Your best bet is to call Rogers to have them stop and also notify Fizz that this is happening and that it is not you trying to transfer. Good luck!
  • Thanks so much!
    Was able to contact Rogers and Fizz and they both confirmed no activity in my account
    And I changed my password...
  • Olivier R. #3666
    Olivier R. #3666 Posts: 1,714 ✭✭
    Is wish you good luck
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