I was assigned a *** number that is a long-distance call for anyone living in *******. I live in Lon

I was assigned a *** number when joining Fizz. I live in *******. My landline number is using *** too. My billing and shipping addresses with Fizz are in Longueuil.

When other people dial my Fizz cell phone number from my town though, it says they're trying to reach a long-distance number and need to dial 1 or 0. Same when I call myself. I discovered this a few days after joining Fizz and promptly let Fizz know over chat.

My mom cannot even make long-distance calls from her CHSLD, and she does need to contact me on my cell phone. She lives in Longueuil like me.

After discussing the issue with Fizz over chat, they sent me this email:

"I kindly want to inform you that we have just received the feedback from our technical team. They have informed us that from our side, everything should be just fine. You will have to contact both Vidéotron and Bell so they can set up your number in their systems as a local number."

Subsequently, I spent hours on the phone with both Videotron and Bell Canada.

Videotron says the number I was given by Fizz is associated with Laval and the Laurentides, and that is why it's a long-distance call from Longueuil. They were very nice, but could not fix the issue for me because I don't have an account with them, I have an account with Fizz. They told me Fizz will need to contact them to have the issue resolved.

(FYI, South Shore and North Shore of Montreal both use ***, although one side cannot contact the other without it being a long-distance call.)

Bell pretended they understood the problem and were able to fix it, and kept me waiting for an hour over the phone, then told me they could not do anything because they tried to reach Videotron to have the issue resolved and Videotron refused to help them. (I use Bell for my landline phone.) The number belongs to Videotron.

I relaid the information to Fizz using chat, I was told that their technical support will eventually get back to me. I never heard back.

Is this a common thing that Fizz will not take ownership of problems like these? What can I do now?


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