How could I change my voicemail password ?

HERNAN G. Posts: 4 ✭✭
I don't remember my voicemail password, how is the procedure to reset my voicemail password in order to create a new one. The menu doesn't have any option to do that.


  • joefizzint
    joefizzint Posts: 27 ✭✭
    Two great answers! Time to select the "Best Answer" and close the discussion.
  • Olivier R. #3666
    Olivier R. #3666 Posts: 1,714 ✭✭
    Yes you can
  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,731 ✭✭
    First, connect you and access to your Fizz account.
    Then, Click: My plans
    Click: Manage my plans
    Click: Advanced settings
    Click: Pin to access your voicemail
    PS: Think about a Pin not to easy to find.
  • Ari M.
    Ari M. Posts: 128 ✭✭
    Modify your access code (PIN) directly via your voicemail, or online from your Fizz account (Under: My Plans > Manage My Plan > Advanced Settings > PIN to Access Your Voicemail).
  • poker85
    poker85 Posts: 1,104 ✭✭
    Modify your access code (PIN) directly via your voicemail, or online from your Fizz account (Under: My Plans > Manage My Plan > Advanced Settings > PIN to Access Your Voicemail).
    Voila !
  • Chris K. #7521
    Chris K. #7521 Posts: 486 ✭✭
    yes you can. Others have given instructions.
This discussion has been closed.