
Johnny K.
Johnny K. Posts: 2 ✭✭
When I subscribe, will you automatically cancel my previous provider or I should cancel him myself?


  • sman
    sman Posts: 5,322 ✭✭
    Please read the messages, Johnny was asking for home internet
    therefore, as Mike said, you need to close it yourself.
  • Alexandre B. 39855
    Alexandre B. 39855 Posts: 15 ✭✭
    Internet services needs to be canceled by the user. Or you can double up your connection, if that's what you want.
  • Vincent D. 39366
    Vincent D. 39366 Posts: 215 ✭✭
    Make sure you contact your previous provider yourself, they won't do it for you. If you transfer your old phone number and get only the mobile service, your old account will technically cancel regardless, but some providers still require that you call them to close the file, so you should do it!
  • Nini G. #13860
    Nini G. #13860 Posts: 1,219 ✭✭
    Please choose the best answer to close the discussion.Thank you!
  • Gualberto
    Gualberto Posts: 340 ✭✭
    It depends. It will do it with the phone.
  • Martin
    Martin Posts: 272 ✭✭
    Need to tranfer your number and it will do
This discussion has been closed.